Chapter 30

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The sun is against me, it's trying to blind me. It's hot too. Well, not that hot but it's bright and warm, much different than the dark clouds this past week.

Wow, it's been a week. A week of suffering and adventure. I don't know why I tried to leave and explore; it isn't that fun. Or I'm doing it wrong. Should have brought a manual or something.

I carefully put his hood over him, he doesn't need to burn. He is so pale; he would burn horribly.

Oh yeah, in the middle of the night, he grabbed my hand and hasn't let go since. So, here I shall lay, with him holding the hand that's attached to the arm I was using as a pillow and stay cold. The ground is cold.

His skin is cold too, and soft. He has little lines across the palm of his hand and on his knuckles.

I'm honored.

We need those phones that the humans have so I can take pictures of everything. I still don't understand how they work. How do pictures work? It's insane. How? I'm going to give myself a brain aneurysm before ever figuring it out.

I'll die a premature death from thinking too hard over nonsense. Ma and pa would be disappointed. I miss them. I wonder if they know where we are or that we're going home. I don't think they know that Sylvian is helping me. More like keeping me alive.

They should have taught me how to survive in the wilderness. The big, bad wilderness of open land, tall grass and flowers.

After some time of staring at the tree above us and the beautiful scenery, there's movement beside me. This is where a cougar appears and eats me while I try to smack it away. I turn back onto my side; he's rubbing his eyes.

Now my hand is lonely. The wedding was tomorrow, they were going to get married. How dare he break up a marriage,


He sits up and cracks all his knuckles. This should be a talent. He then puts his hand on the side of his head.

"Hello." His voice is deeper.

"I'm mad at you."


"You ruined a marriage."


I sat up beside him and poke him with the grass sword. He mutters something before taking off the hood and messing with his hair.

"Our hands were getting married tomorrow and you ruined it."

He turns towards me, absolutely befuddled. I straightened a few strands of hair for him.

"You were holding my hand all night."


"It's okay. If they stayed together, it would have been a great wedding. I've helped plan weddings; people tell me I'm great at it."

"Hands don't get married."

"They do now."

He shakes his head and takes the sword from me, poking me with it. I take the little knife he gave me a while ago, the night we ran away, out of my pocket and hold up to him like a mini sword.

He raises a brow at me. I poke the grass sword with the knife. He puts it on my head before pulling a knife from under his boot and holding it up to me.

"How do you hide all these weapons?"

"By hiding them."

"Why do you have so many?"

"Backups, and they're all different blades so they cut different things in different ways."

I poke him with the handle of the knife. He smacks my knife with his. I hold it the right way, so my hand doesn't get cut off. We keep "fighting" with the knives for a while till he lays back on the ground, face down. How does one breathe like that?

My own pillows suffocate me every night; I can't imagine that but grass.

"Are you eating the grass?"

"No," his voice is muffled.

"Are you okay?"

He nods. I would lay down too, but it makes my back hurt so much. Where is a bed when you need one? Beds are the real cowards here; they hide in bedrooms all their lives instead of exploring. I get it, having a whole room named after you must be fun or whatever but I couldn't possibly live my whole life in one room, I'd go mad.

I scoot closer to the tree and trace the ridges on his broken horn and the cracks where it's broken.

"Stop that."

"But it's pretty."

"You're making the migraine worse."

"Oh, sorry."

I get up and start plucking flowers after awkwardly sitting in silence for too long. I will make the prettiest flower crown in all of existence. People will be shocked, and the crown will be worth millions.

I'll then give the money to some poor humans since they're so poor and don't help each other.

"What if you grew a beard? Or a mustache?"


"Oh yea, you want to keep your baby face."


I walk back over, sit back down and put the hood back on him. Does he not know that he will burn worse than steamed vegetables?

"Keep your hood on or you will be red like an apple."

He mumbles something as I start twisting flowers together. They're so pretty.

We stayed here for quite a while, him refusing to answer almost all my questions and me making the thickest flower crown in existence. The breeze is so nice but it's too nice. It'll rain later. After some time, he fell asleep again.

And now, my beautiful masterpiece is done. I put it on his sleeping self before climbing the tree. I love climbing trees and I wouldn't be able to if I was wearing those stupid boots. Those boots are evil.

Luna did a fantastic job making them and I appreciate her but why wear shoes? Not anywhere dangerous. The grass is soft besides poking everything. I get as high as I can before the branches would give out. The view up here is beautiful.

There's grass that goes on and on. Trees covered with blossoms and the grass has flowers. There's so much beauty. At home there's so many flowers everywhere, at least a million.

Something hits the tree trunk below me. I look down and see him standing on the ground, a hand shielding his face from the sun and him looking up at me.

"Why are you up there?"

"To be taller than you for once."

He puts his hand in the air, as high as it'll go. I'm many branches above that.

"It looks like you succeeded."

"Yep," I proudly say for the fun of it.

"Come on."



I climb down the tree and when I'm near the bottom, he holds his hand out to me. I grab it and get off the last branch. He grabs the bag with his other hand and pulls me along. I put the flower crown on his head.

Yay, our hands can get married again.

A/N: Who is coming to the hand wedding?

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