Chapter 27

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It's been a while. The sun is lowering as night bleeds into the air. Everything is quiet. The flowers are done, they're really pretty. Flowers, leaves and vines from the top of his arm to his middle fingernail. I should be an artist.

He doesn't know that it's done though, he passed out a while ago. He is so adorable. I'm scared to make any noise or move, so I've been sitting here, beside him, with my head on his shoulder, watching the outside world.

He said we will get home. I hope it's soon; this is putting immense stress on my heart. Every second I'm not home, the feeling worsens. I'm going to die of heartbreak before this is over.

I don't think city life is for me. I'm still nervous about that man and the woman that he pulled me away from. The pictures in the books showed beautiful cityscapes but all I see is garbage on the ground and dirt and concrete.

Someone lied.

He doesn't snore at all. I snore a lot. Oh my, what if my snoring kept him up all night? I need to stop breathing. My existence must be bothersome. He could be at home doing something more important.

Well, sleep is pretty important. It's very important. You have to commit to it every day and if you don't, you suffer. It also takes a long time to do.

It's so peaceful... what do I do? There's nothing to do. If I knew how to work the TV, I would. It's so weird. I turn over and look at my talkative companion.

He is so beautiful. He has so many secrets, so many things I don't know. He has lived this whole life, and I didn't know about his existence till I met him that day, as his father planned on how to take over my kingdom. I have thought many things on this trip that I never thought I would.

I wonder if this happens to anyone else. If other people leave their kingdoms to go exploring and get trapped instead. If they make friends at new places or if they stay there... forever. I would never stay in that kingdom. It is absolutely beautiful, but something was off. No happy place or pace of peace is that quiet. The guards were emotionless, so is the man beside me.

It's in elves' nature to talk, we talk so darn much. We talk from sunrise to sunset about types of colors, plants, food, anything there is. We talk to each other to learn, make friends, everything. Yet, he doesn't talk much. It makes me not talk as much since all the conversations die.

I'm still sad about the mystery guy being a lie. We would talk about constellations, the best food combinations, the best way to pick flowers, style hair or hide a body. It was fun and now I know, none of it was real. At least we can still have honey raspberries together...

I need to stop looking into things too much, I'm sure he had his reasons. Everyone has reasons... to run away in the middle of the night and disappear while riding deer.

I must be tired or something. My thoughts are broken.

There's movement beside me. As soon as I look over, he sits up and I fall over. Weeeeee. I sit back up and scoot beside him.


He brings his knees to his chest and loosely wraps his arms around his legs, hands near his feet as he stares at the wall.

"The flowers are done."

He looks at his arm for a while before pulling down the sleeve.


He looks scared. Poor guy.

"What happened?"

He rubs his eyes with the heels of his hands before shaking his head. He then runs his hands through his hair while slowly leaning back and forth. He must have had a nightmare or a really crazy dream that scared him. I've had many crazy dreams that haunt me.

Once was blueberries trying to take over the world or kangaroos being taller than my home. I've never seen a kangaroo in person, so I have no idea how accurate it was but probably not that much.

"Can I touch you?"

He stares at me for the longest time before slowly nodding like this is a trap. I'm not motivated enough to make any traps. I lay on the bed and pat beside me. After him thinking of whatever goes on in his mind, he lays beside me.

"You don't have to be super stiff; this isn't a training class. Relax, get comfy."

He looks at me and then himself.


"Lay on your side, facing me."

He does so. He looks so confused. Does no one comfort the poor guy? I grab his arm and put it over my stomach, take the arm he is laying on and put it under the pillow. I take the arm I'm lying on and put it under him and around his back, my hand in his hair. My other hand is rubbing his back.

Me and ma do this. Ma would be me, and I would be him. It works for me, hopefully it works for him too.

"Is this fine?"

He nods, seeming less nervous. This is proof, I would be a great mom. Now, I just need kids and a husband. I'm sure there's a market where I can find them.

My goodness, his hair is so soft. I keep making it stand up and then I would straighten it back down. The hair surrounding his horns doesn't go with the rest of his hair, it likes to stick straight up. Goofy hair.

"We need more honey. We ate it all."

He sighs.

A/N: Hello everyone!!! I did a horrible job explaining him waking up. This is such a short chapter, my goodness. Don't worry, I'll make up for the missing details in the future chapters. Currently finishing chapter 32. Have a great day/ night!

Also, I have no idea what the picture at the top has to do with anything, but it looks cool.

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