Part 1: Panacea

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A THING of beauty is a joy forever:
Its loveliness increases ; it will never

Pass into nothingness ; but still will keep

A bower quiet for us, and a sleep

Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.
( Endymion)

John keats


"I don't think she loves me, Hyung."

Said Jungkook, with sadness evident in his melodic, yet deep voice. "She didn't keep up to the date as she promised." He added.

"she might have had a genuine reason." reasoned a certain lithe figure, while putting down his book on the table and going up to the boy, and caressed his black, soft, locks away from his forehead gently, calming the troubled boy as much as he could. The sun is already setting, making a beautiful orange-red tinge in the sky, the light shining on two boys seeking comfort in the nature.

"But true lovers won't do that! she should always make time for me! I always do because I love her, hyung!" said Jungkook,taking the older's hands off his smooth locks and walking away to the edge, leaning on the metal gate and looked up at the slowly fading sun into the horizon. "I think that's it." He said in a low voice. "That's just how love is. It fades out eventually, like the sun does everyday."

"But the sun rises every day. Brightly. It never dies out." said Jimin, ignoring his racing heart, putting up a look of comfort and kindness, and said; "You just don't realise what true love is." He said as he went near Jungkook, carefully, so as to not let him know his rising panic and massaged his neck gently making Jungkook glare at older.

"What do you mean?" he asked sternly, while Jimin didn't flinch even a little, nor tried to explain himself. He just sighed and said "You'll understand; excuse me now..." he said as he swiftly exited the room, while Jungkook just stared at the older's retarding figure. Jimin is never like this. He always comforted everyone, made sure till others are totally okay before he left. Now he just left him halfway, and looked a little weird and overly sweating, making Jungkook worry even more.

Jimin rushed back to his room, opening the door with haste and closed it, leaning back at it, and scrunched down sitting, holding his heart, breathing heavily. His mind was filled full of negative thoughts saying he's never gonna get Jungkook ever, or that Jungkook willn't love him ever, or that Jungkook's gonna hate him for leaving him behind. All these made him only worse.

"Jimin! what's happening? why did you slam the door so hard? Open up! Jimin!"

Jimin heard a voice outside, a voice of comfort, the only voice who knew all his sufferings. He managed to get up and opened his door, immediately falling into two strong hands of Taehyung.

"Jimin! OMG! Where are your meds!?" Shouted the other, his deep voice having a slightly higher pitch due to panic. "OMG this is the third time you're having a panic attack this month, Jimin." He worriedly mumbled with panic, after making Jimin sit on the bed comfortably, while fumbling for his medicines in his desk.


"Why Jiminie? Huh? I've told you a lot of times to not stress about it." He said worriedly, while caressing the blonde locks of the beautiful boy lying on Tae's lap, the scene comparable to a child does on his parents' lap, seeking comfort. "I can't help it Tae-Tae. You know my love towards him. It's strong. Like really strong. I can't help but feel the pain."

He said in weak voice, while tae just sighed. Jimin is the type of person who puts others before himself. He never wanted to bother the others by telling his love issues. But when Tae had found out, He didn't mind getting comfort from his soulmate. Perhaps, he did need a source of remedy.

"Doesn't mean you have to be hurting over him all day and night."; he said, annoyed slightly at his own stupid youngest, but no one was to complain. They both couldn't utter another single word, as they chose to be in their solitude.

Jimin got up from Tae's lap, and went towards the window, the moon now taking over the sky, with a few stars then and there, The fireflies encircling the plants of tiger lily, that Jimin himself carefully planted. "Ah I feel a lot better looking up at the nature, ya know?"; Jimin sighed in awe, making Tae join him too, in trance.

"Nature has it's own way of healing, Min. You can't disagree with that. Whatever comes in the way, how bad the situation one might be in, something about nature just heals."; Tae said looking up at the bright shining crescent moon smiling at the two distressed guys.

"It's the beauty in it, Tae. It is an neverending bliss. There is this beauty in everything; Nature, Man, love..." Jimin said, looking at Tae sadly; "It'll surely save us from anything that we are going through. It's like a...a remedy. Panacea. It's like everyone's panacea, Tae. To me, you're my thing of beauty; that heals, loves and a source of bliss." Jimin conveyed this, while his mind wandered to Jungkook, who was looking up at the sun when he left him.

He wants to be Jungkook's 'Thing of beauty', his panacea.

Tae hugged his soulmate's choice of words, his every word meaning something to him.It is easy to assume that Tae and Jimin are an item. Afterall Jimin is his comfort. Whenever Tae is sad, he looks for Jimin. But Tae and Jimin are really good friends. Soulmates. Amic ad aras. Jimin just has a way of comforting with just his choice of words and his delicate hugs.

Jimin is a passionate reader. He reads a lot of books, has an exceptional knowledge in poetry and literature; and has an intense vocabulary that always gets members in awe. The way he delivers his feeling, the way he persuades people, everything is to perfection.

Jimin, that they know, is eloquent. With vast knowledge, he can make people easily understand what he wants to convey, with just words and his examples from his extensive poetry and vocabulary. Jimin has brought about a lot of concepts for the team; the concepts that meant a lot to thousands of people, as if he understands all Armies' feelings, as every army can relate to it.

"Jimin! Tae! How long have I been calling you idiots?! Come eat!"

Jin shouted from outside Jimin's room, knowing that the soulmates will be there together, hanging out.

"Maybe he can also be our 'thing of beauty' if he stops shouting like that." said Tae, giggling with his soulmate, while putting his arms over the petitie man's shoulder and walked away, commenting about Jin's motherly love.

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