Part 6: Unconditional

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Nor do we merely feel these essences

For one short hour; no, even as the trees

That whisper round a temple become soon

Dear as the temple's self, so does the moon,

The passion poesy, glories infinite


-John Keats.


Is there anyone who's a fan of dealing with aftermath of binge drinking?

Because, clearly, Jungkook is not. He woke up with a massive headache and nausea, which didn't seem like it was going to go anytime that day. Jungkook squinted his eyes in pain, due to both headache and the unanticipated sunlight, and just  looked around.

He had painkillers placed readily on his desk, with water. 'oh what an angel, the one who placed these.' He thought and gulped the medicine, and dropped his head on his pillow again, not to sleep, but to just wait for his killer headache to pacify.

'Who could have possibly placed these..?", He wondered, his mind strikes only one person. Jimin.

'Oh, Jimin might be dealing with a lot worse hangover than me.', he thought, for the older had like, literally, twice the amount of drink than he himself had, and he wanted to comfort the older in anyway he can.

He sat up with all his might and stormed into the restroom to finish up the morning routine, and found his way to the kitchen, making coffee for both the males.

"How did your... Drinking competition go?", The oldest of the circus queried, his entire being is to be in the kitchen, cooking for his members.

"Min won, of course.", He said, smiling at his cute drunk hyung yesterday. "He... Drunk twice as much as I did Literally, but he...he kept painkillers for me today.", He said, smiling at his hyung's care for him.

"Jiminie is indeed selfless. We probably don't even know half the things he's going through. But he's there for us... Always...", Jin said, giving a melancholic smile. "Do you think... Min is going through something?", He questioned, genuinely concerned for his hyung, especially that he has witnessed his hyung almost breakdown that day, the day it rained.

"No... But I think Tae knows. They always... Are together, if you've not noticed.", He said, trying to get himself back to the kitchen work, while Jungkook mentally made a note to enquire Tae about it.

He took the coffee cups and found his way to Jimin's room upstairs. He, without knocking, opened the door, to find Jimin sitting on the floor, leaning on the window and looking out, at the nature.

He looked pale, a little, and was definitely in pain, Jungkook could just sense it from his hyung's looks and aura.

"Hyung...", He called out softly, getting Jimin's attention towards himself. "Kook? Has your headache died out yet? You should be resting!", He exclaimed, making Kook chuckle. "Well, it didn't die out yet, but the medicines helped a lot... Thanks... But... I know that my Min will be in pain too, so I, Being the most mature maknae in the world, decided to make my hyung a coffee."

"Oh so you really did call me 'Min' yesterday. I thought I was drunk dreaming...", Jimin said making Jungkook giggle, "drunk dreaming?", He said, scoffing at the same time, sitting next to his hyung, handling him the coffee cup. "That's called... Min vocabulary...", He said and gave Jungkook a grateful eye smile to Jungkook. "I like it... The nickname.", He said and smiled, making Jungkook sass, "and I thought you hated any nickname which doesn't have honorifics."

Jimin just giggled at Jungkook at word and averted his gaze towards the window again, and sipped his coffee, having that his killer headache haven't left, he couldn't be any merrier.

"Min...", Jungkook whispered in a solemn voice making Jimin mutter a 'Mhm', his gaze still piercing out the window. "If... You have any... Anything that troubles you... You can always talk to me. You know that right?", Jungkook said, totally catching Jimin off guard.

He shot back his head towards Jungkook and asked, "Where is this coming from?"; "Nowhere... I just... Felt like you're going through something... After the day with the rain...", He said, while Jimin was a bit perplexed.

Even though at that moment, Jimin felt as if he wanted to pour down all his feeling to the maknae, he's not ready to go through rejection and pain yet.

'Jungkook can't know that I love him! Not yet! not ever... He'll definitely hate me! And if he ignores me, I-', His trance was cut off by Jungkook calling out for him, with agonized and anxious voice, but Jimin imagined as if the younger is shouting at with utmost vexation, the hatefulness and disgust evident in Jungkook's voice, the hate that comes with his love.

He felt panic rise inside him, and started sweating a lot, his heart racing, felt dizzy, as if he's gonna pass out any time, it's definitely not a good sign, for he is on verge of having a panic attack.

"I'm just... I'm not... I'm fine... I-", Jimin fumbled, instantly getting Jungkook worried. "Hyung? What's happening? Why are you- you don't look good!", He said as he placed his coffee cup down and scooted near Jimin, examining the boy if he's okay.

Jimin immediately engulfed himself into Jungkook, and buried his face within the younger's neck, letting his tears fall, without actually intending to. "Hyung... Are you... Oh god! Are you crying?!", He asked, as he felt himself getting wet by the older's tears. "I-I'm sorry...", Jimin cried, letting out a painful sob, for which the younger's heart did an ugly twist. Jungkook delicately caressed the older's nape, an futile attempt to make the older feel better. 


"Are you now feeling okay, Min?", He questioned, his voice much softer than anyone could ever know, his hands still holding the fragile boy, who's as fragile as a butterfly, which scared Jungkook.

"Yeah... Thank you Jungkook... It means a lot to me..." , He said as he finally looked up, after crying for nearly half an hour into the younger's embrace.

"Well...shall we focus on today's lesson then..?", Jimin said, smiling, smiling a little, his smile being genuine. "No Min... You need to rest after all that crying...", He said as he removed the locks of hair from the older's forehead, caressing the boy subtly by doing so.

"I need to distract myself, anyway.", He said, letting out a little sigh and gave Jungkook a reassuring smile.

"Well, this is the most important aspect of love...

Hear this quote out, it's quoted by John Keats, by the way.

'I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.'

Prodigy, isn't he? He wants his lover to love him for who he is, not any other things, not money, not wealth nor health, not looks nor because you have a Lamborghini, but because your true, genuine and happy heart.

Money comes and goes. Who knows, I might grow ugly as I grow, my health might detroriate with time. If you love someone for these momentary stuffs, then as soon as they lose these, your love for them will fade away.

True love is unconditional. It never fades. Never..."

He finished his speech intently, as he held onto Jungkook, looking in at his eyes, giving Jungkook a contented smile.

Jungkook felt a weird butterfly in his stomach, seeing his Min smile, his heart racing in upon his Min's moon like gaze. He's too busy contemplating what his weird feelings were to be noticing the older waiting for him for some kind of affirmation.

Only as he realised that he hadn't replied the older, he stuttered,"Ok then, hyung... I think I... Need to go...", and left, taking both their empty cups with him, as Jimin let out a sigh, leaning on the window again, his heart feeling better, now that he's finally cried on Jungkook, looking up at the tiger Lilly, smiling brightly at him.

His love. His thing of beauty.  This feeling of love, the way he felt, being healed by his own love, the relief isn't momentary. The trees may stop fluttering to the wind, and the moon may leave after its night duty, but this remedy grows infinite. If not the moon, it's the sun, His sun, His Jungkook, is the one that heals.

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