Part 11: Susurration.

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But there were some who feelingly could scan

A lurking trouble in his nether lip,

And see that oftentimes the reins would slip

Through his forgotten hands: then would they sigh,


-John Keats


Isn't it calming to just stare at the beautiful waves gently kissing the seashore over and over again, the water coming back from infinity again and again holding the land and sea together?

Jimin, whose comfort lies in the nature, definitely appreciates the delicacy of sea; and is definitely blessed by the fact that Busan has multiple Beaches for him to spend his day in. He felt at ease when he felt the salty water brush through this soft tiny feet, the salty breeze brushing through the soft blonde locks of him, the sun kissing the best part of him.

Well, the reason he's at the beach is that he's on a mission. Mission to talk to Jungkook without being agitated with himself. He stared at the phone which he held tightly in his hands, his heart and mind are internally fighting with each other. He then let out a huge sigh, realising that for the past few days he's been sighing a lot, and dialed Jungkook's number, the phone held on his delicate ears while the other hand was fumbling nervously in the coarse sand of the beach.

After a few rings passed, Jungkook picked it up and immediately nearly shouted, "Min?! God, is that really you?", making Jimin ease out a little, his hands stopped fumbling the sand and softly replied, "Kook...", which was enough for Jungkook to smile like crazy and reply, "Please tell me this isn't a dream.", He said as he pinched his own hands and shouted, "Oww! Ok, Ok! It's real!", Making Jimin smile.

Jungkook then started speaking, "Min! How are you?"

"Uh... I've... been fine Kook.", Jimin replied, his nervousness still not leaving him.

"Jimin-hyung... Are you perhaps... Still not comfortable to talk to me?",  Jungkook said, his voice suddenly losing the spark he had moments ago.

"Kook... No... I... I'm just... God I'm nervous...", He said, the panic raising in him.

"Hey... It's fine... Just try to relax okay? Min?", Kook said in a softer voice, trying to calm the older down; he mentally noted that Jimin gets anxious a lot recently.

"Thanks... Kook. So... How are you doing..?", He asked making Jungkook silent there for a moment; he was dismayed, the face that he just asked if the younger's wellness even though he's the one who is the reason behind his Min's gloominess.

"I... I'm... Fuck Min, you shouldn't even worry about me after all I've said about you.", Jungkook voiced out his thoughts, getting frustrated with himself.

"I can't not worry about you, ever.", Jimin mumbled in low voice, which could be heard by Jungkook clearly through the phone.

"God, Min... I... We're so glad we have you... I'm so glad I have you...", Jungkook said, closing his eyes in contentment, feeling as if he's with Jimin; he could hear Jimin chuckle followed by the sound of the waves, the Susurration which feels serene and gives tranquility, so does Jimin's voice to him.

"Jimin-ssi... Are you perhaps... In beach?", he questioned, the urge to sit next to Jimin increasing as he pictured the boy sitting as the sun kisses the best part of him, his hands hugging his knees and just him laughing, facing Jungkook.

"Uh... Yeah... I wanted to... I felt nervous to contact you... So I-", Jimin fumbles, as he searches for the right word so as to not offend the younger.

"Oh, Min. I wish I were there in the beach with you...", Jungkook whined making Jimin giggle.

"You'd keep splashing water on me and roll me over on the sand, making me dirty, so no!", Jimin said, remembering the time Jungkook actually did that and laughed again.

"That was ONE time...", Jungkook explained himself and added, "And Jimin-ssi, from your fits of laughter and giggles, I am sure that you enjoyed yourself a LOT that day.", Jungkook said, proudly, given that he made the older laugh.

"Well, I really did...", Jimin said, sighing, before he added, "I wish it could be the same again.", making Jungkook frown at his words.

"Jimin, listen, We can go back to where we were, perhaps, something more than before; I can make you happier than before.", he said, serious voice echoing through the phone speakers through Jimin's ears, making Jimin genuinely smile.

"Thanks, Kook. That's probably the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. Save the sweetness for your girlfriend!", Jimin said, a futile attempt to make a joke, which he knew will hurt him.

Jungkook felt weird at the thought of a girlfriend, but couldn't point out what; for his mind literally just said 'Ughh, Girlfriend..?'.

"Uhh Jimin-ssi~ You know very well I am desperately taking lessons from you which definitely means partners equals getting embarrassed.", Jungkook said laughing, making Jimin chuckle too.

"Well, I personally wouldn't judge if my partner is trying to figure themselves out.", Jimin said, without thinking much on the subject making Jungkook think a lot. 

'Jimin? Partner? Hyung will get himself a partner in the future!', He thought, as if the idea of this specific bandmate getting a partner has never crossed his mind; oddly Jungkook wants to frown at that specific idea.

Jimin, who was getting awkward at this uncalled silence, said, "Kook? Did I say anything wrong?", with a soft yet panicky voice; Jungkook noticed that Jimin has been on edge, thinking every word that escapes his mouth twice before speaking, that easement that he had with the Maknae once was long gone.

Kook could sense the feeling in the Jimin's speech, the trouble that lurks within, the contained words that escapes his plump, diamond like lower lip so that; so that the strong leather that holds the control of the horse that he's riding doesn't slip out of his hands (the situation doesn't slip out of his hands); for if that happens, he's apprehensive that nothing can be the same again.

Jungkook scoffed, with pain on his chest, blaming himself entirely for this situation; desperate for him to get his Jimin back but these fears, his thanatophobia remained unexpressed.

"Oh, Min. You said nothing wrong, dear. ease out.", He comforted the older, to which the older gave a silent smile.

"My mom wanted to talk to you, she misses her 'Cutie', as she referred you. Speak to her when you can?", Jimin asked in a questioning voice, making Jungkook smile and immediately agree.

Jungkook was about to drag on the conversation, unfortunate for him, Tae barged in and yelled, "Yo you muslepig! Don't you have any intentions of eating breakfast! You've been on phone for like, half an hour, smiley and giggly! Who's that your wife?!", Making Jimin and Jungkook blush.

"YA! It's my Min! We were having a peaceful conversation before your ass decided to interrupt!", Jungkook said, that 'My Min' didn't go unnoticed by the 95' liners.

"Oh god! Min's here?! Give me that phone!", Tae nearly jumped on Jungkook to get the phone, which made Jungkook lift his hand up so that the older doesn't get his phone and said, "'Min' is the nickname I kept! Use another one! It's mine!", making Tae angry and twist Jungkook's ears, threatening him and reasoning that Jimin is HIS soulmate.

All these bickering made Jimin laugh, the melodic voice reaching both the fighting male, making Jungkook stop and endeavour the sound, making him unintentionally lose to Tae. The older of the two got the phone and said,  "Jungkookie here just lost to me! The maknae! The great Maknae that never loses-", he was rudely interrupted by a raging maknae falling on top of him pinning the older down and grabbed his phone again and said, "He won't get up now, for at least two weeks!"

Jimin laughed real hard at the bickering sounds and exclaimed, "Oh god, what did you do to him!", making Jungkook reply, "All that matters is that this shithead willn't interrupt our peace time anymore!", not knowing that he fucked up real hard, for he could hear a more raging Jin standing, leaning on his room door with a ladle in his hand shouting, 


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