Part 9: bibliosmia.

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But let a portion of ethereal dew

Fall on my head, and presently unmew

My soul; that I may dare, in wayfaring,

To stammer where old Chaucer used to sing.


-John keats


A fresh day, fresh start, brighter sun and more energetic birds means another callow ways to make things right. No more crying, no more holding up to regrets, but on a mission to make things right. Just don't remorse for what happened yesterday and focus on making things right today.

Yes, Jungkook had hope.

He believed he could actually make things right, render the stuffs he's said and did and gain back his hyung's trust and care. He got up, freshed himself and dressed casually and went downstairs, looking up for oldest for desperate help he needed; get Jimin back to him. He slowly went up to the oldest, who's currently cooking for his members and called out, "Hyung..?", making the elder jump.

"A little heads up would have been advisable! you're gonna give me a heart attack, you moron!", Jin shouted as he held his heart in shock, making Jungkook apologise and scratch his nape in embarrassment. "Actually, hyung... I need help, with Jimin Hyung.", Jungkook said making the eldest reply, "Jungkook-ah... Let him stay wherever he is and sort out his feelings. From what I could sense, it's not just your words that's bothering him, but something else too, deeply that it's almost hurting him."

"I'm not going to persuade Min to come back, hyung. I just want Min to know that I was just being high on anger and I didn't mean any of those words, which all came out of embarrassment and nothing more! I know it doesn't explain my rude behaviour at all and I want to make my relationship with Min right. At least call him and lemme speak! I just want to know if he's alright.", The youngest ranted, making Jin sigh. "Just... call him and tell him your feelings, Jungkook-ah... Min is the most considerate person you'll ever meet and he'll surely forgive you."

"But hyung... I apologised him yesterday, called him a lot of times and texted him, but nothing seems to work out at all! He isn't picking my calls.", Jungkook exclaimed, frustrated, making Jin give out a frustrated groan. "Ok. For you, I'm calling Jiminie, but you're not allowed to speak, just listen; I don't want Jimin to feel more frustrated.", He said as he whipped out his phone from his pocket, giving Jungkook a stern look, while Jungkook could just nod.

He dialed to 'Jiminie'; who picked up after a few rings, and called out, 

"Hello, hyung?"

"Jiminie! Baby, how are you? Are you okay? Where are you, baby, I'm so worried! Are you-", Jin just started his legendary rap.

"Jin-hyung! Please don't start your angry rap on me...", Jimin cut Jin off, making Jungkook smile hearing the older's voice.

"Then start answering  them, brat!", Jin exclaimed, with a smile on his face, knowing that his Jimin is speaking normally with the older.

"Well, I'm... Trying to be fine, hyung; and I'm with my parents, so don't worry.", Jimin explained, making Jin sigh in relief; Jungkook's still struck on the word 'Trying to be fine', internally blaming himself for causing it all.

"Oh, Jiminie, glad to know that you're with them; safe hands, ya know...", Jin said in relief, making Jimin mutter a hmm.

"Jin-hyung... Um... Kook... How is Kook..?", Jimin questioned, trying to not be so awkward about it, "I asked Tae earlier and he told Kook's been crying a lot... Is he fine now? I bet he must have snapped out of the incident, you know Kook's always like that, but I worry.", He rambled on, trying to explain himself for being so considerate. Kook, on the other hand, broke out in tears, his mind and soul tearing him apart for hurting a pure gift to his entire existence. "Well, Jiminie, Kook's definitely not over the situation and... He hopes he can make things right with you...", He said, looking at kook, who's crying all over again, and added, "He can, right?"

"Um... He can, hyung. In fact I already forgave him. You know, no matter how hard I try to be irked at him, I just can't bring myself to hold rage towards him, and I just...became soft for him as soon as I heard he cried; which makes me a stupid, if anything.", Jimin said,  giving out a defeated scoff, wiping his tears off, now he know is flowing down, the maknae being higher on his tears.

"Jiminie... God... You're Just... Wait... Are you crying?", Jin exclaimed, Making Jungkook's heart do a ugly twist, he just wanted to grab the phone from Jin himself and comfort the older; But knowing the sad reality being that he's potentially incapable of it just makes him cry even more.

"Leave it, hyung", Jimin said wiping the tears off, "I think I need to go...", he said, and the line went dead before even Jin could redeem the younger. Jungkook just stood there, the tears unwilling to stop falling anytime now; oh the oldest could do nothing but pity the younger two hurting themselves again and again.

Jin just hugged the younger, caressing his nape comfortingly, an action Jimin does when youngest is despondent. The younger could just scoff and said in a shaky voice, "It's not working...", He said and gave Jin a painful smile, making Jin more anguish. "You know, when Jimin hyung does this...", He said, pointing to Jin's soft caressing hands, "It always works...", He said, his eyes all red from tears. "I'm just... I'll just... go and calm my mind...", Maknae just excused himself, leaving the eldest in worry, the youngest in remorse while Jimin in torment.


Kook's hands traced the delicate books of his Min, yes, the very book he kept outside in the garden, the very words to which Min nearly broke in front of him during that day in the rain. He opened the book, the bibliosmia, the smell of the book pages, the intoxicating and sensitive smell the draws the person into them hit Jungkook. He randomly opened the pages, willing to find more quotes about love like he heard from Min, wondering if this book might just be the source of Min's cognizance about love.

He found these words, beautifully said by John Keats,

'But let a portion of ethereal dew

Fall on my head, and presently unmew

My soul; that I may dare, in wayfaring,

To stammer where old Chaucer used to sing.'

Followed by the meaning; 'Let a single drop of the delicate, ethereal and fragile morning dew fall on me and set my soul free, free from all the despondence and out of sorts, which is wandering around, with nowhere to go, to stop at the place where the beautiful poet sings, and set my soul to glee.'

Maybe, that's what Jungkook needs, a pinch of his poesy, his Jimin's voice, teaching him what love is, standing in the morning, the dew visible, with his Min talking about nature, him just intently listening and admiring the older's voice, all his soul suddenly calmed to peace.

He, without hesitation, whipped his phone out and typed,

"Min... I really hope you read this. You will... I'm sure.

Will my sorry ever be enough, even if I mean it from all my heart for what I did to you; I don't think so... But Min... I'm here, slowly tearing apart in agony, remorse and guilt; this pain in my heart isn't leaving me. Will you, please, forgive your stupid, half wit maknae for his actions towards you, heal his soul with your sweet and delicate dew like voice and set my soul free from this despondence and deep regret I carry. I have nowhere to go, no one to laugh with, no one to make me feel better, no one to guide, no one!

Will you help me, Min, to glee my soul again, a second chance to your half wit Maknae to make things right; with your poetic voice and your dew-like voice?"

He sent these, tears filled eyes blurring his vision; he closed his phone and sighed, suddenly feeling a bit light at heart; the exact words he needed to tell Min has been conveyed in a way Min might appeal to.

"I didn't expect you to read my book just so you can appeal to me."

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