Chapter 1

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I wait in my borrowed Mustang, engine running, stopped in front of what is now my new source of education.

3:26 PM

My phone seems to scream the time as I look down at it. I sigh and look at myself in the rearview mirror, tucking my dull brown hair behind my ear. I turn my keys, stopping the engine's roar with a hiss.Breathe.I push open the door. It cries as I grab my tangled headphones and slam the door shut behind me, locking my nervousness and anguished anticipation in the car, along with the crisp Rorian High School newsletter I threw on the dash. I unlock my phone once more to find my messages with Dad still on the screen. I look around at the dank road. A deep longing coats every inch of me. I want to be home where the skies are rarely this deep gray. In contrast, once again, the ceiling of San Francisco greets me with cloudy skies and a humid heat so sickening, I feel as if the damp wind is being forced down my throat. I look down at my phone again.

Coach/Dad: The gym is at the back of the school near the pillars. Hurry up.

Me: Sure, coming.

Coach/Dad: Be here by 3:30. Your mom told me to introduce you to the team.

Me: Why?

Coach/Dad: Idk.

Me: Ok, oh and I got the info on orchestra. They said I could change my schedule Tuesday and start bringing my viola Thursday.

Coach/Dad: Nice. Practice is about to end.

I take a deep breath and start walking toward the gym. I plug in my headphones and inch the volume higher and higher. From outside, I can already hear the shouting and bouncing of balls. I push the earbud deeper into my ear and let the music drown out the stench of sweaty boys and court courtesy. I pull open the door and find about 10 screaming boys pumping fists and jumping up, slicing the air with Nike shoes and hustling. I do my best to avoid eye contact and almost gag at the putrid scent filling my nostrils. I look around for my father, but the sidelines are empty except for toppling bags and scraped water bottles. I look around a few corners and find nothing but discarded basketballs and a few protein bar wrappers. I lean my back against the closest wall and admire the gym. The court paints a detailed picture of a bear, seeming to be crying out at the boys to continue. The padding is a repulsive gray and gold, the bleachers nothing short of dated wood and 8 am gym class. I look down again and open WhatsApp. I type a quick message to my mother.

Me: Hey mum! I really appreciate all you are doing, but I wanted to talk about the transfer later today.

Mumm: Astrid, we talked about this. I need you to be in contact with your father for now.

Me: But mum, it's not what you think. It's like...

Mumm: ...

I stare down at the floating dots on the bottom of my screen. I urge her to type faster. I'm about to type another quick response so she will answer swifter when I feel a force tug at my earbud. I look up to greet the eyes of the source. A tall, panting boy stands in front of me, breathing hard, sweating, and gripping my earbud tightly. His eyes are a mix of grayish blue and rage, and his beauty marks frame his face, giving him a stern yet soft look. I tilt my head a bit. He's sort of...gorgeous. His chest rises and falls at a quick pace, his eyes glued to mine, a sort of redness rising into his face, his jet black hair part stuck to his forehead and falling into his eyes.

"This is a closed practice," he says in an enraged tone. I look him up and down and scoff, unimpressed with his intimidating manner. He seems to get angrier at this and looks around, his hands on his hips, seemingly to pull himself together. He meets my eyes again and looks to the side, his tiny hoop and stud falling forward with all the weight of his fury. "Can you not read a sign? Let me spell it out for you," he squints his eyes. "Get out," he spits out, looking my face up and down, his voice dripping with melancholy vexation. I cross my arms.

"I hate to distract you from your practice, but I'm afraid I'm not here for you." I tug my earbud back and look down at my phone once more.

"I understand stalking guys must be a very important part of your schedule, but we get enough visitors as it is. Get out," he spats.I cross my arms and stare at him, moving my head to the side, standing firmly.

"Too bad. I'm not here as a plus one or to watch sweaty boys race each other around a court. And surely not to stalk guys like you."He opens his mouth to say something when a voice calls out behind him.

"Astrid!" my dad calls out, as I step far away from the boy.

"H-hey!" I say and scratch the back of my neck, forcing a smile.

"You made it on time!" He wraps his arms around me in a hug, and I'm startled by the sudden affection. I can't help but notice how different we look. His chestnut hair juts out in straight lines while mine falls in waves. His eyes are a bright shade of blue while mine combine brown and gold in melancholia.

"Yup, here I am!" I smile and shrug nervously, this man still foreign to me. He turns to the boy who suddenly has taken a look of shock on his face, his mouth grasping onto words that seem to be slipping down his throat. He speaks up finally.

"T-this is your daughter...?" he asks.

"Yes! Well, I'm sorry I haven't introduced her sooner; she just transferred from London where she was with her mom, so I trust you will take good care of her. And it seems you guys have already been acquainted?" He asks, joy shining through his voice. My head swirls in confusion.

"Something like that," I glare at the boy. When my dad looks back at me hopefully, I plaster a huge smile on my face, covering the scoff in my eyes with contentment.

"Just in passing," he says, suddenly chipper. Dad smiles and nods.

"Well, Leo, this is my daughter Astrid. Astrid, this is one of my best players, Leo Williams." He slaps him on the back as we stare down each other. I bite the inside of my cheek. Dad takes both our hands and places them in each other's palms, shaking it for us.

"Repeat after me, 'nice to meet you'," I nod and squint my eyes.

"Nice to meet you." He cocks his head to the side.


author's note:

hey guyss this is my first story heree i thought it would be fun to get my story ideas out of a bubble and im glad i diddd lmk what ya'll thinkk im personally obsessed with enemies to lovers and its been sm fun brainstorming for this ok byee

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