Chapter 21

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I grip my head, the pounding becoming more immense. Whatever memories I had last night, disappeared with the morning. My pregame sickness making my stomach roll. I remember vaguely a beer in my hand, and my eyes crossing, but other than that my brain is a blank slate. I sit in front of my teammates, all conjoint in our hungover state. Luckily, i've been through the testing times of one too many drinks, so my shooting is still precise despite the ringing in my ears.
The locker room is scattered with the guys, some disappearing to retrieve energy drinks or to warm up their shots. I zone back into the conversation in front of me, Tom rambling on about a wild night. i'm sure I did many idiotic things, proof being the countless times i've waken up with a million calls, so the last thing I want is to be informed on my drunken actions. I rise up from my seating position on the bench, when something catches my eye. Causing me to spin and look at Tom square in the eye.
"She talks big, but I knew she would come back." Tom raises a black lacy thong from his bag, spinning it around his finger. Holding it up as a trophy. I chuckle and walk back to the group.
"Give it back to the poor girl." I say with a laugh, sitting back down. Tom turns to me with a pointed look. A smirk tugging at his features.
"Oh never. Seems my plans are back on track." He states. A few guys lean over patting him on the back and grinning. Offering high fives.
"And what plan is that," I say chuckling, curious on his mysterious operation.
"Get her to sleep with me of course. We all know women get more attached after it." He shrugs carelessly.
"Seems you've already accomplished you're goal then." I say, raising my eyebrows.
"No no, but Im close." He says, stretching.
"And your goal is?"
"Playing time of course." He smirks and shrugs, throwing the pair on the ground, as if to let everyone admire it. My mind laughs for a second, before the gears begin to turn. The puzzle peace starts to fit, and my fist grips in anger. I rise, my mind clouded with fury.
"Tom." I say looking down at him. My mind controls itself, tied to the terrifying question dancing in my mind.
what did he do to her?
I grip the collar of his shirt, and my voice dips low.
"I thought I said to never touch her." I smirk dangerously, my body preparing to pummel his into this very ground. Anger dogs my vision and I can't think of anything else but her.
The sight of his hands on her terrifies me. The memory of her face standing brave against him, but her eyes falling helpless in a battle between being strong and letting herself feel. Because i've been in that battle for years. I know the look too well.
"Woah woah man it's not what you think just chill for a secon-"
I drive my fist into his face, pulling back fast to hit him once more. His eyes look up at me in surprise, and I don't register anything but Astrid's face in my mind. My thoughts of her guiding my fist into his face again and again. Blood waltzes against my knuckles, bleeding into each other with his and mine. Daniel sprints toward me, my teammates disappearing in my peripheral trying to hold me back.
"How dare you." I whisper. He falls, and my hands move by themselves now. He attempts to cover his face with his elbows, but my iron grip trails them back. "I said how fucking dare you!!!" I yell, my hands disconnecting from his now bloody nose. Pulling back at the hands of my teammates. Daniel shakes me, pulling my eyes slowly back to everyone around me. my shoulders hang.
"What the hell man?!" He exclaims, examining my face where blood trickles down. Tom must have gotten me in my haze. Everyone stares at me, a few guys helping Tom up. Daniel shakes his head and turns to face everyone. He claps, but his words are miles away. "Alright everyone, let's clean this up and shut your fucking mouths okay? The last thing we need is more shit from coach." He turns toward me, his eyes hard and questioning. But i don't care.
I need to find her.

I waltz into coaches office to find it empty. Searching furiously for her, the ripped black cloth in my hand. I stumble through the halls, my eyebrow suddenly stinging. Blood dripping involuntarily. I find her sitting at a lunch table, scrolling through her phone, peanut butter crackers opened on the table. I take a breath and stomp toward her. My anger suddenly morphing into something else.
if she hadn't slept with him...
if i hadn't met her...
if she hadn't made me feel this way...
She looks up at my figure, her cheeks turning pink. She scrambles to set her phone down, smiling slightly.
"So I know it took me a while but-" She starts. Her face falls as I throw the lace onto the table in front of her. She stares at it, her eyes darting around.
"I've got to give it to you, at first I didn't think you were a fucking idiot, but now i'm not so sure." I say, my voice rising with every word. She slowly looks up at me, swallowing hastily and biting her lip. "What the hell we're you thinking?" I begin to stride closer. "Do you know what a fucking douchebag that guy is?" I say pointing behind me as if he were there. She looks past me, suddenly distant. "Astrid! He- he touched y-"
"Shutup!!" She exclaims. I bite my tongue at the sight of her rising and planting her hands on the table. "Just shutup. My life is mine, and yours is yours. So just shutup." Her eyes stare back at me in a mix of anger and embarrassment. My heart softens at the sight. She grips the discarded fabric in front of her, and throws it at my chest. Beginning to saunter away. "Since you care so much," she cocks her head to the side, and continues her exit. I grip her wrist before I can think, pulling her back to me. I stare back at her, admiring her soft and delicate features. The curve of her lips im fighting to crash against mine.
"Astrid.." I whisper. "Just tell me. Did he- did he do something to you?" I say softly. She turns to the side and scoffs. Whispering so quietly i almost don't pick up on it.
"You don't remember, do you?"
She smiles slowly and pats my chest. My heart beats against her hand.
"You should get ready for the game." She nods to herself, leaning down to pick up the fabric from the floor. She walks up to a nearby trash can and throws the pair in the garbage, as if she were shooting hoops. "I may be a 'fucking idiot', but even the stupidest of girls wouldn't let that prick get even an ounce of skin." She deadpans and walks away, leaving me in a whirl of confusion. And a bubble of anger.

                           authors note:
So sorry guysss I took a little break to focus on studies and tryouts. I hit a little writers block after that, but i'm trying to find more time to guide this story along since summer is coming up too anyway ty for readingg vote if u liked it❤️☀️🌊🌊🌊

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