Chapter 4

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I drop my bag on the floor and collapse on my bed with a sigh. I open my eyes and slide off my shoes as my phone pulses on my dresser. I rub my ankle, wincing, and get up to find the source of the call. A name I know all too well appears on my screen. I bring my phone up to my ear.

"Yes, Tom?" I say, gathering fresh clothes from my drawers.

"Hey man, Amanda invited us over for some drinks tonight, you in?" He ask hopefully. This wasn't a surprise coming from Tom, as he uses his yolo and now or never card when it came to anything outside of basketball. I shuffle to the bathroom as he describes who else will be there.

"Nah I'm tired man." I said, flipping on the bathroom light and closing the door behind me.

"Man you never wanna do nothing, your whole life is basketball!" He urges. I chuckle.

"That's because I'm trying not to lose my scholarship. You make me seem like some grandpa."

"That's because you are! Check your head right now. Them white hairs already coming in huh?" He counterattacks. I check my head curiously, but indeed my head was absent of white spots.

"Anyway, call me when you need a life." He hangs up and I look in the mirror, admiring my wrinkle free features.

"I'm no grandpa." I say to my reflection. I blink. Maybe I have been consuming myself with nothing but college ball next year. Nah. I slip out of my sweat stained clothes and into the shower, the warm water wrapping me in its embrace, as I lean my head back with it. I'm enveloped in my peace when the image of Astrid fogs my mind. My eyes burst open. What a waste of beauty.


I close the door to my car, walking up to the gym to find the door half cracked open. I walk in confused and hear the sound of basketballs hitting the rim before my sights can be set on the source.

"Daniel, how many times do I have to ask that you close the-" I call, as I step in and stop at the sight of Astrid shooting hoops. I slowly approach her as quietly as I can and she makes her third shot in a row. I wait till she misses.

"Your left hand is too low." I whisper in her ear, my arms behind my back. She screams and throws the basketball she had just picked up at my groin. I hunch over in pain. "Aghh shit." Her concerned look fades into a smile.

"Oh good, it's just you." She places a few balls back on the rack and begins to saunter away.

"Why are you even here this early?" I call out. She turns and starts walking backward. She puts a finger to her lips.

"Shhh I liked you better when you were silent." She then turns around and reaches for her dark backpack. Realization settles over me.

"W-wait! Bitch!" She continues to strut away as her wave turns into soley her middle finger as she jogs away. I groan and sit on the court. She thinks shes so good. I roll my eyes and get up, gathering some balls she left wandering.

I walk into the school building as a familiar chipper voice appears next to me.

"So you didn't join us last night, was a fun game of spin the bottle." She says checking her nails.

"Hello, Amanda." I say, emotionless. She continues to walk by me, jogging to keep up with my longs strides.

"Tom says you need a life." She begins.

"And frankly I already have one and Toms an idiot." I finally meet her eyes and walk away, stuffing my hands in my pockets. A few moments later I hear the faintest of footsteps behind me. "You know I could help with that though." I roll my eyes and face her, pulling her over to a corner in the hallway.
"Amanda, I don't care for your drinking games, please can we just stop this shit?" For a moment I almost see real emotion flash in her eyes. She tries to grab my sleeve. I pull back.

"Leo, can we just move past that, It didn't mean anything, we've talked about this." I roll my eyes.

"Bye Amanda." I give her a nod and walk away. I hear her call out behind me.

"L-leo! Come on, that was so long ago!" I scoff and adjust the strap on my backpack. I focus on my shoes and the chatter around me. I turn it off as white noise and stride through the hall, towering over everyone in passing. Two girls past me almost knocking me down. I look down to see Astrid being pulled down by a girl in the hallway, both giggling. Why is she everywhere?

Authors note:

hihiii sorry this is super short but I feel like Astrids POV fits more rn okayeyeye byebyee

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