Chapter 10

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I observe my bruised skin, the cloudy colors stretching across my knuckles, and pain shooting it's darts into the innermost parts of my fist. I wince, settling deeper into the chair in my dad's office. Finding nowhere else fitting enough to dwell in my anger. My mind races with insults I should've thrown his way. I list them off in my head, staring at a signed basketball atop a shelf, till I see Leo's eyes formulating between the etched lines. I mouth the words till his whole face appears on the ball, injecting poison in each one, till the amount feels just right. I say them pointing my finger. I say them crossing my arms.

"Am I... interrupting something?"

I look up to see Tom leaning against the door post, wearing a smirk along with his warmup attire. My cheeks burn with embarrassment, as I reach up to itch my neck. Looking anywhere but his playful eyes.

"That was..umm" I begin, "I was just practicing a project for class." I smile nodding, hoping he won't detect the lies in my eyes. He chuckles, and throws a small package. Landing on top of dad's unorganized papers. I look to find peanut butter crackers. I smile. "Are you sure it's free?" I say, a smile dancing upon my lips.

"Yes!" He exclaims, defense laced into his tone. I smirk. "So, wanna stop practicing your presentation, or do I have to beg you to join me on a walk?" He says, winking. I cock my head to the side, pondering my choices. Waste my time being angry at Leo, or enjoy a mediocre snack.

"I guess I wouldn't be so opposed to a bit of exercise." I laugh and follow him out of the office.

We roam the halls, stopping at a wide trophy case.

"And I made this my freshman year!" He says, pride puffing in his chest as he stands taller. I admire the trophy and nod slowly.

"Quite the accomplishment," I say, looking around the empty hall with a laugh. I find it comedic when he randomly points out his achievements. I begin to walk off when he joins me. I feel a tug at my wrist. A sharp pain licks at my joints as his rough fingers glide over the formulating bruise.

"Woah, that's a nasty bruise." He says, laughing. I chuckle and softly pull my hand back. "So, how did you get it?" He ask, concern in his voice. I open my mouth to come up with an absurd lie when he smiles and points his finger at me. "You were out fighting weren't you." He says knowingly. I chuckle and smile.

"Yup, that's me! Got quite the boxer in me." I throw fake punches at the air. He tosses his head back in a laugh.

"Oh, so you can add comedian to the long list of things she is!" He exclaims. I turn toward him, narrowing my eyes.

"Oh, so what else is on that list?" I question.

"Hot." He answers, winking yet again. I pause. Then chuckle.

"Alright, well I wasn't expecting-"

"Shit! I've got to get back to the gym." He says, looking down at his phone, his playful tone turning serious. I nod. "I'll see you at the game. Oh, and hope you didn't mistake that paper as part of the wrapper." He smiles and runs off, leaving me and my reflection in the trophy case.


As the boys chuck their balls at the backboard in their repetitive routine of pre-game warmup, I watch. My back leaned up against the engraved walls, and my legs balancing on the bleacher below me. I claimed the highest seat, far from nearby fans and even farther from Leo Williams. Even the thought of being within 20 meters from him was making my blood boil. I observe as he proceeds to make every shot he shoots, his muscles visible under his warmup long sleeve. I scoff to myself, as he rolls the sleeves up, teasing everyone with the view of his visible veins.

"Huh. Doesn't matter if he's athletically skilled, he's still a swine." I lean back into the wall.

Oh god he's taking it off...

He jogs over to the bench, removing his shirt to reveal his strong tanned arms. Knowing well what lies beneath the jersey, it lifts slightly upon removal. I scoff again and laugh. Lifting my lips in a sneer.

Ok, so he's a showoff and a bastard. I don't fancy him.

I roll my eyes, thinking back to all his absurd accusations. The rage dancing in his eyes, just as his eyes met mine. I watch as the tipoff begins, Leo grasping the ball in a second. Instead, I settle my attention on Tom, resting on the bench. His jaw clenched, and his foot tapping fast against the floor. I stand, and walk out of the gym. Leaving the cries of a rebound behind me.


The ride home with dad was mostly silent, except for my congrats on the game, and his small thank you's. As we walk in the door, I feel his hand on my shoulder.

"How about a movie?" He smiles warmly, taking off his sneakers and shuffling into the kitchen. I nod my head, a smile carving it's way into my face.

"Yea, yea I'd like that."I nod my head in response.

"Great." I feel the smallest tension melt away, as his efforts seem to become present among the distant space that was between us for years. I settle into the sofa, raising my knees to face the flat screen mounted by two hooks. He takes a spot beside me, pressing a few buttons on the remote, still we are scrolling through new movies. "I'm a sucker for a good hallmark movie." He laughs, throwing his head back in a carefree manner.

"But it's spring." I giggle, as he continues to scroll through holiday classics.

"I don't know about you, but 'A Christmas Communion' sounds pretty catchy to me." He shrugs, pressing play on the movie. I laugh, and watch as the movie paints a picture of a city girl, moving to a small town to unexpectedly find love at a catholic church. We watch in silence, as dad's phone rings. He scoots to the side, giving him room to clutch the phone out of his joggers pockets. He looks from me to the phone.

"Let me just take this," He shuffles out of the room. I nod and stare back at the tv. He jogs back in the living room and smiles, settling back in his spot. After a few moments, his phone is vibrating again. My heart softens, but I nod knowingly, as he rushes out of the room again. We are 40 minutes in when the cycle continues. "I'm sorry," He begins. I nod at a quick pace, and stand. Placing the pillow that rested on my lap back in place.

"No, it's okay." I give him a smile. "I have to go practice anyway." Before he opens his mouth to say something, I stride to my room. Closing the door behind me.

As I sprawl out the music in front of me, and hold my shoulder rest perfectly under my chin, I can't give my fingers the energy to dance upon the fingerboard once again. I sigh in boredom, letting my viola rest on my open case. Sinking in with the embroidery of the bed sheets. I pull out a small piece of paper, retrieving my phone from my jeans where it rested in the back pocket. I pull the phone up to my ear and let it ring.

"Thought you would never call."

"Hey Tom."

authors note:

hiii sorry if this chapter is super long, I wanted to fit Astrid's pov into one chapter so the next wouldn't be so shortt but yea i'm on spring break now, so that could mean i'll be updating less or way more i'll do my best tho

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