Chapter 19

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The events of today, made me extensively forget to fill Andreena in on last night. I pick up my phone from it's spot on the sink, and continue to dry my hair off with the towel in my hand. I call Andreena, placing my phone back down, on speaker.
"Astrid I was about to call you! What's up?" Andreena's voice cracks through the phone. I hear another voice on the other end, confusion biting at my ears.
"Hey! I forgot about earlier, but you seem busy. Lets talk tomorrow-"
"Woah no no, I'm not busy at all. My boyfriend is here, he won't mind." She says, her voice faltering as he mumbles something inaudible. "Baby stop-" She says, as other noise seems to drifts from the other end. "Alright, hold on" she says softly. I hear a click of a door, as her voice appears again. "Sorry about that, now tell me everything before I lose my shit."
So I do. The park. The diner. The rain.
"He wants you."
"Shut up Andreena. He's a total prick. I don't want him."
"I said he wants you, didn't I? Not the other way around. You my friend, just dug yourself into a hole." She says. I sigh and run my hands through my hair.
"Oh I did, didn't I?"
"Well I must have gone mad! There's Tom anyway! I mean who wouldn't have gotten butterflies with someone like Leo, looking at them like that? And it's probably because he's handsome. I mean not too handsome, I would hate the fuel his ego, but perhaps medium on looks. I would probably-"
"Whatever you say."
"The offer still stands that two is better than one,"
"It doesn't work like that darling."
"But it could,"
"But it won't."
"Just admit it! You have feelings for him Astrid!" She exclaims.
"I do not and will not. Ever."

Since dad insist on making it to school exhaustingly early, my mornings consist of waiting around in the gym, and wasting my phone battery. I shoot some hoops occasionally, a remnant reminder of my past athlete days. Today the gym is empty once again. Sometimes Daniel, a player I've come to enjoy the company of, trains before class, but today I decide he's either late or has burnt himself out. It's rarely occupied by the whole team, but nonetheless, weekdays aren't void of players.
I set my bag down, making my way over to the teetering ball rack. I pick up a ball, testing the feel in my fingers. Back and forth. I bounce it up and down at a steady pace.
The sound of it retaliating against the floor, echos around the gym. Smiling back at the dim lights around me.
I position myself in front of the hoops, jumping up and releasing the ball. It slips through the net.
Three times
I laugh when the ball bounces off the rim. Refusing entry against the backboard.
"You might want to work on that shot."
A voice behind me startles me, as I turn to find Tom. Hands in pockets.
"Hey." I say, turning back to the rim. My feelings for him have been nothing short of nothing lately, fading away from the constant up and down of his affection. I never felt sparks, and I'm not one to waste my time if it involves a male with commitment issues.
"Need some help?" He says, stepping into the light. His eyes are slightly red, his hair tousled and untamed. I smile, waving him off.
"Nah I got it." I say, bouncing the ball once again.
"Astrid..." He steps closer. "Let me help."
"I'm really not in need of any athletic training, I think I'm okay." I nod and step away from him. He glides even closer, his hands reaching around me, to get to the ball. I try to shake him off, but his left hand on my waist hold me in place.
"Astrid, it's okay. Let me help you." He says deeply. His voice husky in a whisper.
"Tom. Get off of me." I say warningly. He slides his palm over mine on the ball, his hand dipping deeper against my waist. Diving slowly lower. I keep my face stone cold, but a small fear sparks in my stomach. His skin itches against mine. Rough and sandy. His breath against my ear makes my skin crawl. Shrinking away from him. I want to turn around. To hit him. To run. He shouldn't be able to do this. I shouldn't be able to let him do this. The desperate feeling to shove him away, continues to wash over me. I can do it. I'm able to push him away. But for some reason I'm glued in this position. His hand gripping me tighter with each passing second. I start to feel small.
"Relax, baby. Why haven't you been picking up my calls?" He says deeply. He pushed himself further into my back, and I almost gag in my mouth.
"Tom.." I say trying to keep my voice steady. The anger rising in my chest. His hand dips dangerously low. Something in my snaps. "TOM! Get your bloody-"
"HEY!" We both turn to see Leo. Standing under the light above, basketball in hand, and raised to the side. I take the moment to attempt to shake Tom off, but he stays. A smirk on his face. He glosses over Leo's presence.
"Where were we..?" He whispers in my ear,
I try to shake him off once more. Leo suddenly appears next to us. Gripping the collar of Leo's zip up. Tom's hands falter, but it only results in him pulling me tighter. "I don't think this concerns you, Leo." He says calmly. I fall silent. My words disappearing in my throat. Leo's expression sends me into another dimension. Everything around him dissipated. His eyes curdle with rage and disgust. Looking upon his teammate. "You know how it is," He chuckles. Searching for agreement in Leo's eyes.
"You have two seconds to get your fucking hands off her, before I crack your skull with this basketball." Leo says sternly, in an enraged tone.
Tom stares back at him. Blinking. He releases my waist, and steps back. Leo nods.
"Now leave." He commands. He steps closer to Tom's ear. His eyes sharp and knowing. "And don't ever touch her again."
Tom stumbles and nods.
"A-alright man." He says, stepping farther away. Something in me wants me to do something. Maybe it's Leo making me feel stronger, but I will not lead someone to believe I'm some pushover. I smile sweetly, and motion Tom over with my finger. Leo stares at me oddly, and Tom hesitantly steps forward. I smile again, and bring my knee up in a fast motion. My joint connecting with his groin. He groans and bends over in pain, clutching his crotch.
"What the hell?!" Fuck!" He exclaims. I bend down with my hands back, eye level with his ear.
"Oh and that means never." I say, gliding away from his limp body. My confidence regained. I look at Leo, and nod as he stands in shock. A small smile peeking from his lips. Walking out of the gym.

He runs up behind me, running a hand through his hair as we make our way down the sidewalk, to the building.
"S-so a-are you okay?" He ask, concern dancing in his eyes, while his features remain solid.
"I could have handled him myself." I say, facing forward.
We walk in silence, the occasional student entering the building for early tutoring, and other events. I find my voice where it's buried in my throat.
"But um. Thank you. For that." I point with my thumb, back to the building.
"Of course." He says, his face cold in contrast to his voice. "So any news with coach?" He ask, changing the subject.
I think back to last night. I haven't asked dad yet, but Leo suggested I should see how he would react if I brought up the diner. I was planning to, but didn't know how.
"Haven't asked yet."
"Oh come on Astrid!"
"You're the one always rambling on about patience! Have some, will you?"
"Of course, my apologies your majesty." He says, mocking my accent. I smile and shape my hands around an imaginary ball.
"Why don't I just crack your skull with this bloody basketball," I say, mocking an American accent, and deepening my tone to sound more masculine.
"You wouldn't..." He warns, his cheeks welcoming his deep dimples.
"Watch me," I raise the ball of air, and lunge at him, my hands gripped around the air around me, as if I was hitting him. My arms stretch, as his face is so far up from mine. He grabs his head in mock pain, putting a palm out in front of him.
"No please! Have mercy on this commoner!" He exclaims.
"Never!" I joke.
Our laughter drifting into the morning air.

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