Chapter 5

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The events of this morning were nothing short of stressful. My car was currently sitting in a shop after failing to run this morning. The mustang finally gave out from 8 rides. I stare down at my schedule to find where the orchestra room is.


I grip the handle of my viola case and push the door open, butterflies filling the brim of my stomach as I watch everyone unpack and rosin their bows. My feet shuffle slowly against the dated carpet as I set my viola down, ready to unpack. My nervousness resurfaces, as I hear two voices behind me.

"Hey!! OHMAGOSH!! You're a viola too???!" I look up to greet the eyes of a girl, her eyes rimmed with magic and excitement. Her glasses frame her eyes as her dark brown hair stays as straight as a pin. The girl next to her laughs.

"Anitaa" She says still chuckling. In contrast to her friend, her hair is black and falls in waves. I look at the two and the butterflies settle as I pray for them to fly away. "Hi, I'm Sophia and this is Anita." She chuckles and looks at her friend. "You're new right?" I nod.

"Yea, I just started yesterday." I nod and plaster a smile on my face. Sophia returns my smile as Anita starts tugging her away, singing to imaginary music.

"Nice to meet you!" She says before being dragged away. I smile to myself thinking of the life radiating off the two. As everyone claims their seats, I shuffle to the back, where I find an open seat. Everyone chats or takes the time to tune and practice, the sweet melodies radiating off of their instruments. I rosin my bow and kick my feet under my chair looking around to find discarded cases, backpacks, and plaques coating every square inch of the walls. I admire what seems to be countless achievements among their orchestra. The white board in the far left reads, 'Congrats philharmonic on superiors!' I smile looking over at the blackboard where countless notes have been left. I read them one by one.

'Rebecca & Mo are superior'

'Second violins did amazingg'

'Cellos had a great sound'

'Nika carried our group!!!'

I'm halfway through the notes when my eyes settle on the director. Her head absent of hair, and covered by a purple wrap. She smiles as she helps students tune, and arranges her music, ready for class to begin. I pluck my C string to find it terribly out of tune. I try my best with the fine tuners, but it's no help. The string is absolute spaghetti. I'm about to raise my hand when a voice appears in my ear, causing me to jump.

"You know you're in the second violin section right now? Something is telling me that isn't a violin." I turn to find a girl with black hair and highlights, high cheekbones and a wide smile. She chuckles and my eyes land on her small case beside her. I laugh.

"And something tells me that isn't a violin either." I peer down at her case.

"Shhh I'm undercover today" She says, lowering her voice.

"A band kid in disguise huh?" I giggle.

"It's for my twin, she wanted to skip today" She shrugs.

"What about your class, where are you supposed to be right now?" I say.

"Home, dual enrollment stuff. How do you hold this thing?" She says, peering down at what I'm now guessing is her sisters violin. I laugh and look at her struggling to bring the instrument under her chin.

"Why would you accept to staying at school if you just go home?" I laugh.

"My boyfriend, he coaches a boy's PE class and I wanna go see him again." She smirks. "Oh yea, I'm Andreena by the way, Andreena savage." She flips her hair and pears down through her almond eyes.

"The last name is fitting." I giggle. "Teacher, your boyfriend?" I ask and laugh.

"Oh of course! Comes in handy with things like this." She motions around the room. "Skipping and all." She shrugs as if the topic is the most normal thing on the planet. I nod.

"Of course of course." I say in mock agreement. I feel a buzz in my pocket and pull out my phone, to see a text from dad. My eyebrows knot together in confusion. I open the picture he sent me, to find a list of names and numbers beside them and small G's. I read the names. Bill, Chloe, Juan, Rhode, Henry. As my eyes scan the unusual document it disappears in front of my eyes. I blink a few more times, to find the fine print at the bottom of our messages.


Coach/dad unsent a message


As class glides on, I crack jokes with Andreena, and learn the new music, helping her fake a bow hand. As class concludes, and I'm grabbing my now full case, she grabs my arm. Pulling me out of the classroom and into the hall.

"Hurry before we miss him!" She breaks out into a jog, pulling me behind her. My body lurches forward as excuse me's exit my mouth left in right to peaceful pedestrians of the hall.

"Your boyfriend?" I cry behind her.

"Duh silly!" She says, pulling me through every corner. We almost run into a tall figure, and my balance falters. Andreena giggles and pulls me into a gym. I put my hands on my knees and try to catch my breath, panting. Andreena seems full of energy as she bends over the railing and sighs, admiring her man. I brush my hair out of my face, stride over to her, and can't help but noticing the contrast between the basketball gym and this one. Its much nicer, the floor laminated and shining. The padding painting the same bear displayed everywhere. "Look, look over there!" She points to a bald man, about in his late 30's and bites her lip.

"Andreena, how old is he again?" I squeak out.

"36. I'm 18 though and fully consenting." Her eyes glimmer with mischief, as she looks back at the man.

"Well," I start. I look over to find an empty spot next to me and see her racing down the stairs. I set my bags down and watch her pull him into a corner only visible to me. His eyes widen as he picks her up and spins her around. She giggles and pulls him into a kiss. I laugh at the sight and pick up my phone again, staring back at the list in my mind dad had sent presumably by accident. I sigh, not shaking the worry in my mind. I open my notes on my phone and type what of the list I remember. Maybe it's something for work? I bite my lip. Something didn't feel right. I look as Andreena pulls him into a room. I decide against waiting and pick up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. Pushing open the door with my elbow, emptying out into the stream of students. I pull out my earbuds and press play on my music. The first song titled, 'I hate you'. I think back to Leo. Damn right I do.

HOOPS AND HEARTSOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara