Chapter 7

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I glance down at the discarded backpack on the passenger seat's floor. Of course she left it. I turn the wheel, and after constant contemplation I decide to head home. When I reach the driveway, my head lights seem to flash the unspoken words radiating from my home, back to me.

Leave. You have no right to be here.

I take a breath and step out into the downpour, retrieving my bags and running through the downpour, trying my best to cover myself, before submitting to the rain. As I grab the soaked packages on our front porch, I tuck them under my arm and unlock the door in one swift move. I let the packages fall, and shake out my hair. Grabbing a nearby hoodie and pulling it over my head, I look around and find the absence of my parents. They must've skipped dinner again. My feet find their way to the kitchen, and my hands seem to move on their own. They grab chicken and other ingredients, moving on their own as they cut, season, and keep my chest tight. They continue like this until I'm pulling out two plates. I hear a door click and open. My mother steps into the kitchen, face pale and ashen. She rubs her tear stained eyes and tucks her hands into her sweater.

"Where were you?" She ask, her voice cracking and leaving my heart to crack as well.

"You haven't eaten." I say, fixing up her plate.

"I said where were you!!" She screams, leaving her chest to rise and fall in a quick pace.

"You need to eat mom." I say, pushing her plate forward. Looking down and focusing on my breathing, from doing something I'll regret.

"You always do this Leonardo!!!" She continues to scream. I look up to meet her angry eyes, brimmed with loss.

"You never care what I'm doing anyway!! Just leave me alone like you always have." I counter, slamming a plate on the table. She throws the ladle into the sink, causing me to flinch.

"Get out." She says, dangerously low. A warning. I stomp off to my room. As I'm walking, my eyes find the door we never open. I stop and look, my heart sinking. I slam the door to my room, shutting me inside. With the shake of the walls, the home screams the same thing.

Leave. You have no right to be here.

I fall into my bed, covering my head with my pillow. Covering my mom's sobs.

White noise.


"Please Luis, let me cover your shift." I plead into the phone, as I turn into school's parking lot.

"Man, I'm trying to make some money too, this is the second time this week." He says, as I settle the car into park.

"And the last, I swear man. I can't go home." I say, desperation filling my voice.

"Fine. But you're getting me hot stuffs number." He sighs before giving in.

"Done." I say quickly. I end the call swiftly. Shit. I forgot about her. I peer down at her backpack and contemplate throwing it out. Instead I decide on leaving it. I gather my backpack and push out my earbuds, my favorite classical pieces pouring from the small plastic.

As I walk into class, my Calc teacher beckons me over. I raise my brows before walking over to her. She looks at me through her red rimmed glasses, emphasizing her large dimples as she smiles sweetly at me.

"So I wanted to talk about your recent scores... You have always been on top of grades, Iv'e been worried as you were one of the top students..." She begins. That's where I stop listening. I pull out my phone, typing discreetly.

Me: I need one of those fucking lives

Tom: Done.

As I'm walking down the hall I hear small steps behind me. I roll my eyes.

"Aman-"I start.

"Where's my bloody backpack." Astrid's eyes shoot arrows at me as I smile.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I respond, gripping my own backpack and dramatically adjust it. She crosses her arms in frustration.

"Tell me where it is." She looks at me again. I squint my eyes and tilt my head. "Please." She deadpans. I slowly shake my head. I pull her by her sweater sleeve against the stream of students, to an empty spot.

"Beg." I smile and bed my knees to meet her eye level. She stares up at me and huffs.

"Who needs notebooks and shite anyway." She knocks my shoulder by bumping into me yet again. I grab her shoulders and pull her back to face me again.

"You should really stop that." I say, biting the inside of my cheek in anger. Holding back.

"What are you gonna do, hit me?" She remarks, smirking and turning on her heel. I let her go, squinting my eyes. What a piece of work. Is she really gonna go the whole day without her things? I laugh at her obvious stupidity, awarding me strange looks from people in the hallway. I look around before rushing away from that part of the hall.

Authors note:

HI hiiii 60 reads already is insaneee omg I just remembered I made a character AI for Leo, and like 2k ppl had chatted with him ya'll are feinssss anyway this is the link if you wanna go chat it up with himm it's a lot of fun sometimes, you can choose what you would have done in Astrid's position!!

Also let me know in the comments what you guys would like to see more from both characters and what you think Leo's issue is, plus what Astrid's dad could be hidinggg I would love to read what you guys think!

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