Changing Tides

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Jan's jaw dropped as she glanced over the plans Kenny had for the new barn and the men and women on Neil's team brought supplies from their trucks over to the leveled area. It bore two separate compartments, one of which held an addition over which Jan nearly squealed as she spotted it. Running her fingers over the details, Jan found ten stalls inside that each bore long beds for the animals and even a few playful elements. At the far end of the first floor of the barn was a washing station for bath days on one side of the double doors there and on the other was a station specifically for brushing the solutions Jan made into the animal's coats.

If one traipsed out past the back doors of the barn, they would find a fire pit with a wood stand nearby and a grate for cooking. There was also the possibility of putting the smoker there and around the firepit which was somewhat dug into the ground a bit further than the typical was a round ledge with cushions at certain intervals. Turning her gaze back toward the barn, she ran her eyes along the side porch and smiled at the idea of Axel sticking his head out of his stall to bray at them. She imagined Blaze hopping up and playing with him from the porch side of the stall and smirked as she thought of all the possibilities that literally lay before her.

However, one feature stood out amongst all others; the second floor. It was a hay loft. Jan hadn't told many people about her deepest aspirations, but she always dreamed of having a barn with a full hay loft, half of which she could turn into a room for stargazing. Apparently, Kenny had been listening. Jan peered over at her and found a deep, crimson blush working its way across her cheeks as they both stood up straight. She leapt into her arms and hugged her with a giggle as she felt Kenny's face along the side of her hair.

"So, you like it, then?" She softly spoke into her ear as she tucked her hair back from it.

Jan pulled back and beamed at her. "Are you kiddin' me? I love it!"

"You don't have to say that just because you think I'm fragile. If you have any qualms, just let me know and I can fix them." Kenny smirked at her as if she knew better, but Jan shook her head and with it went that apparent confidence.

"I have no idea what gave you the idea I wasn't being fully serious, but I am." Kenny jerked her head back with this and bore a startled expression, making her chuckle all over again. "Is it really so hard to believe?"

"Well, I guess it's just surprising."

As Kenny bashfully glanced down at the design, Jan spotted a smile teasing the corner of her mouth and tempted trying to bring it out. "You know, most people don't get it right the first time around." At this, Kenny turned her head to face her once more with a speculative eyebrow. "When getting something designed, even seasoned contractors usually get one or two things wrong and you didn't. At least, not anything with which I'd have a problem. I don't know about measurements and supplies, but as far as what I asked for the design, you nailed it the first go around."

That smirk was finally in play and Jan felt her cheeks glimmering as she leaned closer for a kiss, but was stopped just shy of Kenny's lips. "You two going to work or just make eyes at each other?" Kenny furrowed her brow and turned her stern gaze toward her brother with a grumble under her breath. He laughed and flipped some plastic rolls and sheets over his shoulder as he made his way toward the leveled ground from his truck. "And she's right, Kenny. I even had issues when doing what she wanted with the reno-house. Had to fix some of my designs before she said yes, so think more highly of yourself, kid."

Kenny's eyebrows slowly raised up her forehead as she ran her eyes toward the others on his team who nodded their heads, or waved their hands in concurrence. "See?" Jan achieved her full and undivided attention and was thankfully met with a timid grin. She cupped her cheek and sent her a wink. "You did really well on this and I can't wait to spend an evening in the loft. Thank you."

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