Once Upon a Time in the Hay Loft...

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Jan used all her strength and that of the townsfolk who'd come to help their endeavor over the last few days to ease the final of the sliding doors to the back of the barn and felt a hand placed atop hers. Peeking to her side, she smiled the brightest she ever had as Kenny grinned over at her and they waited for Troy to fasten the upper track into place. With one final whirring of the cordless drill, he sent Neil the thumbs up and everyone backed up, evolving into cheers as the barn was triumphantly finished. Jan giggled as Kenny wrapped her arm around her side and snugly yanked her inward, joyously cooing with the rest of the crew and townfolk.

"I'd say that there is an excellent barn!" Deputy Eberhard chimed over the cheering and jogged to the doors. He slid them open and spun around, placing his hands on his hips. "Y'all know what to do next. Break!"

The large multitude of people in the area scattered to their various jobs and Jan turned her gaze back toward Kenny to find her just as enthusiastic as the deputy as he made his way toward them. "Thank you, Elijah."

He shook her hand and took off his hat, kneading it between his hands. "Kenna, I just want to say that working alongside you over the past few days has been great. You are a remarkable person and I'm sorry for causing you so many troubles..."

"No more apologies necessary." Kenny put an arm around his shoulders after turning him around and nodded toward the portable animal stalls nearby. "Let's get busy, yeah?" Peeking back over her shoulder toward Jan, she winked and tilted her head toward the barn. "We'll get the animals settled. Why don't you help Troy set up all the security measures?"

After sending her an air kiss and smirking when she caught it, Jan made her way to Troy who was already on the side of the barn atop a ladder. Nearby stood his children diligently awaiting whatever else he planned to have them accomplish. For being so small, they got a lot of work done and Jan found herself admiring the way they listened to their father's words.

"Once we have this, it'll alert Kenny and Jan if anything fishy happens."

"Do you think those men who hurt Kenny will come back, daddy?" Jordan asked as she handed her father a surveillance camera Neil purchased in town.

Despite Jan's arguments, he wouldn't allow her to pay him back and the money for it had come out of his pockets. She found herself quickly being ingratiated into the most loving family she'd ever met and enjoyed each moment of it. Kenny came by her kindness, her gentleness honestly. After meeting her parents and knowing Neil, Jan wished she'd been acquainted with them even longer and jogged the rest of the distance toward them, petting Axel along the way. He hadn't wanted to be apart from either Jan or Kenny all day, which made sense on account of them being so occupied with getting his new home ready. Still, she knew the moment he entered his stall that he would unwind like he never had. Axel did have a habit of finding relaxation most places he went, even bestowing the sensation onto those around him.

Pulling a few apple slices from her pocket, Jan held them out for the children. "Y'all want to feed Axel a snack?"

Nehemiah didn't hesitate and latched onto two of the slices, immediately handing them to Jordan before grabbing the remainder of the pieces in Jan's palm. He took hold of his sister's free hand and they jogged over to Axel who was quickly becoming accustomed to their affections. He took the apples from them and rubbed his head along their torsos before laying on the grass. They followed and began petting him all over, then as if a light bulb illuminated overhead, Jordan got up. She ran over to the partially empty mobile stalls and grabbed Kenny's grooming utility belt from inside of the donkey's mostly forgotten travel bed. Once she returned, both she and Nehemiah worked to begin brushing down his coat as he released loving brays and whuffles all the while.

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