Cheers for the Happy Couple: Part Two

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"And, Neil? You're vows?" Sheriff Jamison inquired as he gestured toward him with an encouraging nod.

Her eyes straying from her brother, Kenna peeked around the happy couple to peek at Janet and found her fondly watching Neil taking Troy's hands. She caught Kenna watching her and sent her a cheesy grin, then motioned for her to look back at her brother as he began his vows. Fighting against her natural urge to keep her eyes on the love of her life as her brother's words of encouragement only about forty minutes prior rang clear in her mind, Kenna veered her gaze back toward the wedding couple.

"Troy, you came into my life when I truly believed I'd be alone for the remainder of it. Yeah, I was only just thirty, but I thought if I hadn't met anyone in my twenties, I might just have to deal with being alone. This is a small town. I never expected to find a large LGBT scene and even with that, you stood out from the moment I laid eyes on you. What's more, I always wanted children, to have a family of my own, and you all accepted me wholeheartedly. You keep saying I was your saving grace when you lost your brother, but do you realize just how much you helped me?" Neil gulped and inched closer as he kept his eyes with Troy's and licked his lips. He rested his forehead along Troy's and closed his eyes. "Like I told you before, you're my angel. When I feared being alone, you kept me going. When I thought I'd never have a chance at my own business in an entirely new state, you encouraged me to never give up on my dreams. When I hear anything funny, the first person I want to tell is you. When I see something beautiful, the first person I want to show is you. I can't wait until our family gets to spend literally all of our lives together, thriving and happy. Content. The only person that could ever happen with is you. You are everything I've ever wanted and more. I love our little family. Our little house. And our big, even now still blossoming love."

Troy began crying as he looped his arms around Neil's shoulders, daring to pull him into a kiss, but stopped shy of his lips as his father's hand came between them. "Hurry up, old man."

The crowd roared as the sheriff scowled at his son and Kenna peered around them once more to catch Janet covering her laughter with the back of her hand. She met her eyes and blushed with the tilt of her head, leading Kenna to think of all the things she only ever wanted to experience with her as well. Janet's eyes grew heated and she dropped her gaze bashfully for a moment, then met her stare once more. Her cheeks were literally glowing and it took everything in Kenna not to go to her right then, taking her into her arms in the middle of someone else's wedding. She staved off the craving and wiggled her nose, hoping Janet would understand the motions meaning. As Janet met her with a simmering smirk, she wiggled her nose back and Kenna's enthusiasm was placated enough for the time being to focus on her brother once again.

"Troy, son, do you take Neil as your lawful husband? To have and to hold? And in sickness, or health?"

"Pa, ya already know I do!" Troy bounced their joined hands before Neil brought them up to his lips, kissing the backs of his knuckles.

Kenna glanced over at her parents and found her mother batting her hand at her face with tears streaming down her face as her father reached into his blazer pocket. He handed her his handkerchief as he kept his eyes on their son, endearingly arching his brow as the sheriff turned his attention toward Neil.

"And, Neil... Let me just say this right quick, young buck. I can't wait for you to be family. Officially. You're my son now, too. You better keep that in mind and remember I'm always here for you now as well." Kenna's father clapped several times, but stopped when Harley grasped his hands with the shake of her head. With an appreciative glance toward Archie, Jamison finally added, "Do you take Troy Jamison? To have and to hold? In sickness or health?"

"Hell yeah, I do!" The crowd of onlookers roared yet again and Neil drew both his and Troy's bodies flush.

"Then I pronounce you married, so kiss already!"

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