✨Sibling's banter✨

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As Vikram entered the grand halls of the manor, his demeanor underwent a noticeable shift. Gone was the stoic and commanding presence he had displayed before his family; instead, he adopted a more carefree and mischievous air, much to the amusement of his siblings. 

With a smirk playing on his lips, Vikram announced his intention to take a bath and relax after his long journey. "Ah, it feels good to be home," he declared, his voice tinged with a hint of arrogance. "I think I'll treat myself to a lavish bath and indulge in some well-deserved relaxation."

Ketki, ever the playful one, couldn't resist teasing her brother as he swaggered off to his chambers. "Don't take too long, Vikram," she called after him with a wicked grin. "We wouldn't want you turning into a prune!"

Vikram shot her a mock glare over his shoulder before disappearing from sight, his laughter echoing through the halls as he made his way to the bathing chambers.

Meanwhile, Kumud joined her mother in the kitchen, assisting her in making preparations for the night's banquet. Together, they worked side by side, their movements fluid and graceful as they chopped vegetables and stirred pots over the crackling flames.

As they worked, Kumud couldn't help but overhear the playful banter between her siblings echoing through the halls. She smiled fondly, her heart warmed by the heartwarming sound of their laughter. 

Back in the bathing chambers, Vikram lounged in the steaming water, reveling in the luxury of his surroundings. "Ah, this is the life," he sighed contentedly, sinking deeper into the soothing warmth.

He rubbed his tired body, hoping to remove all the dirt and grime off, accumulated over the days in the warzone. 

After relishing this peaceful moment, he changed into a set of light coloured set of kurpasaka and dhoti, with only a gold Bajubandh, on his muscular arm. 

He breathed the familiar air of his home and a smile bloomed in his face. His mind and body loosened, as he stepped into the main couryard, where all his family members awaited his arrival.

But, his moment of relaxation was short-lived as Ketki burst into the room, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she teased her brother mercilessly. "Well, well, if it isn't the noble warrior himself," she teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

 "I hope you have developed some personality, and not remain a soft city boy, after all that time on the battlefield!"

Vikram rolled his eyes in mock exasperation, making an expression of hitting her playfully, and running towards  his sister's direction.

He stopped after two steps. "Oh, please," he scoffed, his tone exaggeratedly dramatic. "I am still the bravest and most fearsome warrior in all the land!"

The siblings, Ketki and Kumud, erupted into fits of laughter, their teasing banter filling the room with warmth and 

Ketki couldn't resist pushing her brother's buttons a little further, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she continued to tease him. "Oh, of course, Vikram Bhaiya, " she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm sure all the ladies are just swooning over your battle scars and rugged charm."

Vikram rolled his eyes at his sister's jest, though a faint blush crept onto his cheeks at the mention of admirers. "Very funny, Ketki," he muttered, trying to maintain his composure. "As if I have time for such frivolities with all my duties as a warrior."

But his protests fell on deaf ears as Ketki pressed on, poking fun at his supposed lack of romantic prospects. "Oh, come on, Vikram Bhaiya! " she teased, a playful smirk playing upon her lips. "Don't tell me you haven't found a lovely lady to sweep you off your feet yet. Or perhaps, you're just waiting for a damsel in distress to come along and save you from your bachelorhood!"

Vikram huffed indignantly at his sister's jibes, crossing his arms over his chest in mock defiance. "That's quite enough, Ketki," he grumbled, though a small part of him couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration at her words.

He turned towards his mother, as he saw her coming in, " Mother look! Ketki is making fun of me!"

His complaints didn't go unnoticed by their mother, Rajni, who entered the room just in time to catch the tail end of their banter. "What's all this commotion about?" she asked, her brow furrowing in concern as she surveyed her children.

Vikram wasted no time in airing his grievances, his frustration evident in his tone as he recounted Ketki's teasing. "Mother, you must speak to Ketki," he pleaded, shooting his sister a pointed look. 

"She insists on mocking me for not having a wife, as if it's something to be ashamed of!"Rajni's expression softened at her son's words, her gaze filled with maternal concern. 

"Oh, Vikram, my dear," she said gently, laying a comforting hand upon his shoulder. "There's no need to fret. I'm sure the right match will come along in due time."

Vikram heard this and a smirk formed on his lips. He looked mockingly at Ketki, as their mother had clearly taken his side. 

But to Vikram's horror, his mother's words seemed to have the opposite effect, as she immediately set to work planning his betrothal. "In fact," she continued, her eyes alight with determination, "I think it's high time we started looking for a suitable bride for you. After all, it's time you settled down and started a family of your own."

"M ... Mother? No! That... What?"

Vikram's protests fell on deaf ears as his mother launched into a spirited discussion about potential matches, her excitement palpable as she began making arrangements for his impending marriage. And as Vikram watched helplessly, he couldn't help but wonder if perhaps his sister's teasing had inadvertently set him on a path he wasn't quite ready to tread.

Amidst the playful banter between the siblings and their mother, their father, Keshav Gupta, attempted to interject with a few words of wisdom, hoping to quell the escalating chaos in the room. "Now, now, children," he began, his voice carrying a note of authority as he addressed his unruly offspring. "Let's not squabble like this. There's no need for such jesting."

But his attempts at mediation were swiftly met with a chorus of laughter from both Vikram and Ketki, who seemed intent on teasing him as well. "Oh, father," Ketki chimed in, her tone filled with mock sympathy. "Don't you worry about us. We're just having a bit of fun, that's all."

Vikram  too couldn't resist joining in on the jest, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he added, "Yes, father, do excuse us for our youthful exuberance. We're still young you know! Just like Mother!" they quickly hugged their mother, as though she was their saviour.

 " Yeah, they won't cause much trouble....... well, at least until the next opportunity presents itself!"  Rajani said, with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulder.

Their father, however, seemed less than amused by their antics, a resigned expression crossing his features as he realized the futility of his attempts to rein in his spirited offsprings. 

"Ah, well," he muttered under his breath, a hint of self-pity creeping into his voice. "I suppose there's no hope for me now. I might as well resign myself to my fate."

"I shall only spend my time, with my dearest daughter Kumud! I shall not talk to you anymore" Father Keshav said, with his head held high, as he quickly moved towards Kumud and sat beside her, to hug her tight.

Despite his words, there was a glimmer of amusement in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the undeniable bond that existed between his children, no matter how much they teased and taunted each other.

 And as he held his dear daughter, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him, knowing that, despite their bickering, his children shared a bond that was unbreakable, even in the face of their playful antics.

Thank you for reading. ✨❤️✨

Please give your suggestions and comment your thoughts on this adorable new family ❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️

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