Mother's Praise

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As the carriage rumbled along the cobblestone streets of the bustling capital, Ketki regaled Kumud with tales of the city's finest clothing and jewelry stores. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she described the opulent displays and exquisite craftsmanship that awaited them.

"Have you heard of Svarna Angadi, the renowned jewelry emporium?" Ketki asked, her voice tinged with excitement. "They have the most exquisite collection of gold and gemstone jewelry in all the land. Every piece is a work of art, fit for royalty."

Kumud nodded, her interest piqued by Ketki's description. "And what about the clothing stores?" she asked eagerly.

"Oh, you must visit Vastra Bhavan," Ketki replied, a smile playing on her lips. "Their fabrics are sourced from the finest silk weavers and embroidered with intricate designs fit for a queen. You'll feel like a goddess draped in their garments."

As the carriage trundled on, Ketki continued to list off the city's top shopping destinations, each one more luxurious and enticing than the last. Kumud listened intently, her curiosity growing with each passing moment. She couldn't wait to explore the vibrant tapestry of shops and markets that awaited them in the heart of the capital.

"And let's not forget about Ratna Sringar," Ketki exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "It's a treasure trove of sparkling gems and dazzling accessories. You'll find everything from ornate necklaces to delicate anklets, each piece more enchanting than the last."

Kumud smiled, basking in her sister's excitement.

While, Vikram snorted from outside the carriage, as he rode on his beautiful horse. 

" Worthless! Just some shiny rocks and metal! What's so great in it? Kumud, you must come with me to the Veera Bhavan. They excel in showcasing the choicest of weapons, sourced from around the world, some even hidden behind those sparkly pebbles Ketki admires...." Vikram said, trying his best to disgust Ketki.

" Damn Bhaiya! I knew it! Your sense of artistic aesthetic is pathetic but never knew it was to this degree. Oh! that makes sense, this is the reason why your horse has more game than you!"

Vikram choked at his sister's retort, while his beloved horse neighed in agreement as well. 

Kumud burst out laughing at these words, her voice a melodious symphony.

Both Ketki and Vikram looked at each other, as they say mirth in each other's eyes.

Actually, both the siblings always fought with each other, in hopes that Kumud laughs at their silly antics. Most of the times, Kumud would only smile, but her laugh, oh it seemed like a reward for all their performances!

Kumud controlled herself with much difficulty. 

She too felt herself being free. She slowly shook her head, returning back to her original poised self.

Ketki meanwhile kept pointing at her favourite clothing and jewellery stores, while Vikram kept on bringing her attention to the weapon stores and warrior guilds.

Just then, a signboard fleeted past the corner of her eyes.

Her mind stilled at first, after a few moments of which, a glint of delight passed through her beautiful eyes. 

She quickly lowered her head, trying to control the smile that threatened to burst forth from the corner of her mouth.

She saw it! There it was! Her playground! Her weapon of choice! THE SAHASTRANETRA!

The carriage rattled on, and after about an hour, they reaches the Vajrakot Manor.

Kumud and Ketki alighted from the carriage, and started moving in. 

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