✨✨Three Requests ✨✨

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Kumud watched Vritra's expression carefully as he read the contents of the letter, his eyes scanning the words with a mix of astonishment and disbelief. 

The information contained within seemed to strike a chord deep within him, stirring emotions that he had long thought buried. 

As Vritra finished reading, he looked up at Kumud with a mixture of shock and curiosity. "How did you come by this information?" he asked, his voice tinged with a note of incredulity. "These names... they are of individuals I have been searching for tirelessly, for years. And yet, here they are, laid out before me in black and white." 

Kumud regarded him with a steady gaze, her expression unreadable. "Some secrets are best left undisclosed," she replied cryptically. "Suffice it to say, I have my sources."

Vritra's brow furrowed in confusion, his mind racing with questions that begged for answers. "But why? Why bring this to me now? I mean you could have revealed them before." he pressed, his voice tinged with urgency. "The timing? It doesn't make any sense to me... "

Kumud's lips curved into a wry smile, her eyes reflecting the weight of the burden she bore. " This is the right time. We only strike the iron when it is hot enough, and now is the time when the flame is blazing at the perfect temperature." she replied simply, her voice soft yet resolute. 

" Listen Guild master, This is the time when the entire court is present in the capital, no one can escape the eyes of the emperor. One wrong move, and every trap of theirs shall lay bare leaving them no way of retreat. " Kumud gave her analysis in a simple tone.

Vritra was astonished at this pretty lady's depth of mind. A feeling of awe filled his heart, his eyes glistening with admiration.

" Wow Pretty Lady! Not only are you pretty but also so intelligent!" He happily chattered. 

" Pretty Lady-" He almost leapt up from his seat, excited to hold her hands when Kumud's cold voice rang,

" PADMINI !" Kumud said finally frustrated with this man's antics.

She could not understand this man's flipping personalities that seemed to pop up one after another without any context.

Vritra stopped suddenly and looked at her weirdly.

" My name," Kumud said slowly, " Padmini...." 

Vritra could say that she was giving herself an alias, but what could he say? 

He too never revealed his true name to anyone.

 He smiled and nodded his head as he called out, " Okay Padmini! Now, tell me what do you want me to do?"

Kumud smiled and lowered her eyes as she slowly started, " Five days later, The Palace Banquet will be conducted. Before that I want you to provide me with these three things; Firstly I need information regarding the Varman family that was exiled from the country 25 years ago. I want you to find out about their existing lineage an where they are currently. I want their full details.

Secondly, I want you to create a rumor in the masses that the Dwivedi family's Eldest daughter in law is secretly engaged in clandestine meetings with the married son of Raaj Vaidya, Shravan.

And thirdly, I want you to arrange a few people for me. Some people who would always follow my orders. They must agree to do everything I said, during the tenure of our dealings.

That's it for now. Try to fulfil my third request by tomorrow itself. That would be good. "

 After saying all these at one go, Kumud finally quietened. Vritra on the other hand had his jaws on the floor, unable to pick it up, no matter how much he tried.

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