🌙 Dark Night 🌙

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Impressed by Kumud's choices, Rajni stepped forward, her movements graceful and fluid as she presented her daughter with a set of garments fit for the grand celebration. 

The antariya and uttariya, crafted from the finest muslin, shimmered with an otherworldly beauty, their vibrant red hue reminiscent of the blazing flames of a sacred fire.

As Kumud reached out to touch the fabric, she was struck by its softness and ethereal quality. The muslin seemed to flow like water through her fingers, its delicate texture caressing her skin with a gentle touch that was both comforting and exhilarating.

With a sense of reverence, Kumud draped the antariya around her slender form, its rich red folds cascading around her like a fiery waterfall. She then fastened the uttariya around her shoulders, its billowing fabric enveloping her in a warm embrace that spoke of regality and honour.

As she admired herself in the mirror, Kumud felt a surge of delight and calm wash over her. The vibrant red of the garments seemed to ignite a flame within her soul, filling her with a sense of purpose and determination.

With her jewelry and garments now chosen, Kumud stood before her mother, radiant and resplendent in her newfound finery. Rajni smiled with satisfaction, her heart brimming with love and pride for her daughter.

" I knew it! My daughter takes after my beauty!" Rajni said with an expression of delight and pride. 

She smeared a small amount of Kajal from her corner of her eyes behind Kumud's ears while saying, " May you be protected Evil Eyes!"

Kumud smiled and hugged her mother, her heart filled with a mixture of gratefulness and boundless love.

Rajni separated from her after a while and then waved towards the maids to help Kumud change back into her leisure clothes.

As Kumud came back into her room, Rajni hurriedly said, " Now that you've selected the jewelleries and clothes, my heart is at ease. Now begins my major headache," She said while holding her head.

" Where's Vikram?" She asked turning her head towards her head maid.

" Madam....."

Say it"

" Madam.... Young Master is.... Young Master is with Miss Ketki.... They almost had a fight and are put on a timeout by Master ...." The maid said, lowering her head, trying her best to not laugh reminiscing the scene.

" Ha! Of course they were fighting...." Rajni said in a deprecating manner, yet her delight could be heard well between that harsh tone.

Kumud smiled too, shaking her head at their antics.

Rajni stood up, " Go! Let me see what these three are up to now!" She said with a funny looking scowl on her face. 

She hurriedly patted Kumud's head and ventured towards the 'battlefield'.

Kumud sat there, soaking in the warmth of her family, the warmth she craved so dearly.....

After a while of silence, Kumud's voice, soft yet resolute, filled the room as she instructed her maid, Renuka, to fetch her writing instruments.

" Renuka? Bring me the pen and paper"

 Renuka , the ever dutiful maid , nodded in acknowledgment before quickly departing to fulfill her mistress's request.

Left alone in her chamber, Kumud's thoughts turned to the task at hand. With a sense of purpose, she settled herself at her writing desk, the soft glow of sunlight casting a warm, flickering light upon the palm-leaf paper before her.

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