Babs is out literally

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If I was two kids looking for my sister, where would I be? It's times like this that I'm thankful I'm not a method actor. The singing group walk passed me, and I notice Klaus and Sunny with their heads bowed. I pull them to the side, and smile at them. That was so easy. Klaus asks, "Why are you here? Where is Violet?"
"Klaus," I sigh, "Klaus, I'm on your side. I want you three to be okay. Violet is going to be moving room. I don't know which number, but I do know what they're going to do, Klaus. They are going to give Violet a fake name. I have to go before someone sees me talking to you, but here is a small thought. Get your hands on a patient list. Okay?"
Klaus nods, and I smile at Sunny. I whisper, "Good luck, to the both of you."
With that, I walk off as quickly as I can, without looking suspicious. I crash into mum, who asks, "What are you doing, Xalia May?"
I look round, desperate for an excuse. Finally, I sigh, "I got bored. I was just walking round, poking my nose into other people's business. The girl? Violet Baudelaire?"
"Have you ever thought of doing a craniectomy?" Mum asks, smirking. I say, "Well, cranio means head, and remove? You... you are going to remove Violet's head?"
Mum nods, before saying, "Well, I'm not. I wont be anyway. If all goes to plan, someone else will be removing the girl's head."
"And who is that someone?" I ask. Mum smiles, and smirks, "The boy one. What's his name?"
"Klaus?" I scoff, "There is no way you actually believe Klaus is capable of removing his sister's head. And anyway, if Violet dies, you have to just spend more time waiting for their fortune. Mum, this feels like a really bad idea."
Mum looks at me, her eyes wide, and she asks, "You aren't... you don't like them, do you?"
I shake my head, and Mum leans down to me. She puts her hands on my shoulders, and sighs, "Xalia, this is going to be difficult, so you don't have to watch it, but other than that? You have to sometimes do things that make you feel uncomfortable."
I nod, and follow mum as she walks up different corridors. Mum sighs, and gasps as we crash into Olaf. He sighs, "Esme... Xalia May. The little girl, Violet, she got away. I managed to get her onto the bed again, and restrained. She's knocked out, so all we need to do is see if the operating theatres are free. Then we operate. Have you told Xalia May?"
Mum nods, and I ask, "It's actually going to go ahead?"
Olaf nods, and I nod back. It's awkward. I don't know what to do. Honestly, there is nothing I can do. Olaf continues, "I found the middle one. He stole my patient list though, so now I've got nothing to do but wait."
"Or," Mum suggests, "You could be me find the sugar bowl!"
I groan, and turn to walk away, before Olaf asks, "Where are you going, Xalia May?"
"To cause inconvenience," I shrug, "It's the only thing I've been taught to do. And strut. I got taught to strut.

I storm to the first supply closet I can find, and sigh. Slowly, I turn back round, and ask, "Hello?"
There is shuffling, and I hold my breath until Klaus's voice says, "Xalia?"
"Klaus," I gasp, "I need to leave. I'm sorry-"
I slam open the door and sprint down the hall. Mum turns the corner, and scoffs, "Dr Faustas. You're needed for the Cranioectomy."
I look behind me, and see Klaus behind me. Mum grabs Klaus and starts storming down the hall with him. I walk next to them, and listen as Mum talks about how proud she is of her knife. She struggles to open the lift, and I tap the button. The lift doors open, and Klaus mutters, "Cranio means head, and ectomy means to remove... you wouldn't."
"Oh, I think we would," Mum smirks as the doors of the lift ping open, directly into the operating theatre. I bow my head as we walk in, and I gasp at the sight of Violet. Klaus walks forwards, and says, "I think I should begin by talking a bit about knifes."
Klaus leans over the bed, and I watch as he flicks off the anaesthesia. He looks at me, and I just nod. He should be able to get out of this by the time Violet wakes up. If he has to stall, he can stall. Olaf is talking, but I don't understand anything. Finally, Klaus says, "As I was saying, I think I should begin by talking about some knifes used. For example..."
I stop listening, realise this is going to be a long rant. When you read a lot, you learn some obscure facts. In the case of Klaus Baudelaire, even I know that he has read some extremely obscure books. Mum begins picking at her nails, and I ask, "Are you okay?"
A round of applause erupts and I look round. People are chanting, and Klaus suddenly yells, "WAIT! I haven't done the paperwork for this operation. I cannot do the operation without the paperwork."
"I'll go and get Hal!" Somebody says. Mum drags me over to Olaf, and Mum hisses, "There will be blood, unless..."
"Unless?" Klaus asks.
"You give me the item you stole from the library of records last night," Mum smirks. Klaus, reluctantly, hands mum is little disc. She glares at it, and Olaf takes it out her hands. Olaf grabs me, and I gasp as he says, "This man is an impostor! He is not a doctor at all!"
He rips open Klaus's coat, and gasps, "It's the Baudelaires!"
Klaus pulls off his fake beard, and snaps something as Violet wakes up. With that, Olaf drags me out the room, and I try pulling away. He refuses to let me go, and I beg, "What is the thing you took off mum? What did the Baudelaires steal?"
"The Snicket File."

Xalia Squalor; because sometimes being in is not enoughWhere stories live. Discover now