There's no fire, why so smoky?

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Mum and Olaf kick me out the tent, but come out of it after a while. Sunny is sat in a birdcage, which is rubbish enough without me not being able to help her. She doesn't ask for help. I think she realises I would be getting her out of there if I could. If I could. But I can't. I stare at the theatre troupe and sigh. Violet and Klaus wont be dead, but there's a sinking feeling in my stomach as more and more time passes. Slowly, I look over at the frozen water fall, and my jaw drops. Violet and one of those triplets... Duncan?... they're trying to push themselves over it. I rush over to them, and I help Violet up. She helps the boy up, and I sigh, "You're alive. That must mean Klaus is okay too?"
"Klaus is fine," Violet smiles at me, "How are you?"
I shrug, "Better now that I know you aren't dead. Who is this?"
The boy nods, and says, "Quigley Quagmire. I'm the survivor of the fire."
My jaw drops again, and Violet sighs, "Klaus, Sunny and I are orphans after all."
"At least Olaf isn't your dad," I smile. Violet smiles weakly, and Quigley asks, "Are you a volunteer?"
"I've been doing some reading," I say, "So, yes, you could say so. Well read people have less of a chance of being evil. Sunny is over there. Go."

Olaf doesn't throw Sunny over the edge of the cliff, which is nice enough of him. A part of me was a little convinced he would be doing it, but when all else fails, try to make sure nobody dies. I groan as mum still hasn't returned. She's been taking forever. Olaf sits next to me on the picnic table, and glares at the man and woman who are talking. He groans, "I hate parents."
I stare at him, and say, "You also hate orphans, so what do you want from people?"
"To not exist?" Olaf suggests. I shrug, and he continues, "Am I a good enough mentor?"
I say, "You're my mentor, so nothing else really matters. Are you my dad?"
"I can be."
"So I can call you dad?"
There's a moment of silence. Olaf stares down at me, and I blink uncomfortably. He's a bad man, but he's got good things about him.
"If you want."
I nod, "Okay... Dad."
Olaf's face changes for the first time since I met him. He doesn't really look too arrogant, but he looks kind of proud? I sit, looking forwards and sigh. It's sort of uncomfortable with Olaf now. I have never really had to ask to have a dad. I should stop thinking.

The hench people all walk over, and I blink at them. One of the twins says, "We're done participating in a scheme. We lost our homes in a fire, along with our parents and sister."
"We love you and would do anything for love," The other twin smiles at me, "But we wont do that."
They both walk off, and I watch Olaf's face drop. The hench person of no immediate gender sighs, "This is a slippery slope. I need a break."
They walk off with the twins, and I stare at the hench person with hooks for hands. Mum appears, and gasps, "Look who I found! Klaus, Violet and the last Quaggie!"
I don't really listen, but bow my head as they are told Sunny is dead. She isn't and I smile as Sunny walks steps out from behind the car. I watch as she waves, before quickly hiding again. Then, the snow scouts all appear. A short little girl, who is called Carmelita is her sash is correct, smirks at us.

She steps just passed the tarp, and says, "I crown myself fall spring queen!"
The woman blows her whistle, and I scream as the snow scouts are carried into the air. I gawp as the woman says, "We'll be in touch with Esme and her daughter. We're impressed with your work."
Olaf splutters as they get into his car and drive off down the mountain. So much just happened in such little time, and I don't know if I want to unpack it all. Olaf snaps, "You're not going anywhere! I only need one of you alive, so which one should it be."
"Keep Klaus!" Carmelita spits, "Then you can smash his glasses and watch him bump into things."
I can hear the joy in mum's voice as she hugs mum, and I realise I've been replaces. By the time I turn round to look at Violet, Klaus, Sunny and their new friend Quigley, they've disappeared. This is really it. I've been replaced by my mum by a little, bratty, rich snow scout, and I'm alone. I mean, I still have Olaf. And let's be truly honest, is that the best thing out of what I could have. We went from two sets of orphans, to one set of orphans, to two and then none. I've lost Violet, Klaus and Sunny again, and now I've got a little sister. Why do I have to have a new little sister? I guess having a little sister is fine, but now I have to be replaced?

Olaf stands next to me, and hisses, "That little girl was a pain back at Prufrock Prep. Now, she's going to have replaced your mother's love."
"But at least I have you," I force a smile, "Dad?"
Olaf looks at me again. Something changes in his eyes, and he says, "Yeah, I'm your dad now. You have my protection. I'll protect you from harm, and smoke and fire. You trust me, don't you?"
I nod, and Olaf sighs, "I personally want you to know that no matter what happens, that little girl, Carmelita, will never be less annoying than you. She really grinds me gears."
So even if my mother doesn't love me as much any more, Olaf does. Olaf is only my dad to benefit me. I could survive being against Olaf, but it's much more simple to just go along with whatever he wants. Even being replaced.

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