What to say

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We walk back to Ishmaels tent, and I pause. He isn't at his chair. I wipe my eyes, desperately blinking back tears as Violet whispers, "He's gone, but has left foot prints. We should follow them. You can stay here if you want, Xalia May?"
"No," I finish wiping my eyes, "I'll be fine."
We follow the foot prints, and I shiver ever so slightly. There's a huge wall, with an opening in the vines. Violet leads us forwards, and I gasp. It's a tunnel. We all walk through it, pausing at the sight of a tree. Mounds and mounds of items line the pathway. Klaus says, "Ishmael said dangerous items were sent it."
"Think of what you could invent," Violet whispers.
"And research."
"And cook," I look round, "Right, Sunny? Sunny?"
Sunny has taken off, running as fast as she physically can. I chase her, groaning as lightning strikes and we sprint into the tree trunk. It's incredible. A little house inside the tree. It's got a water filtration system, a lighting machine, a table, sofa. Everything a home would need. Klaus moves to the other side of the table, and reads, "A figure from the shadowy past has washed ashore. I convinced the others to lock him in a cage before he could recognise me. Note to self, why wont anyone call me Ish? The other castaways concern me too. They may be young, but I've never seen a Squalor who didn't becoming fame hungry, or a Baudelaire who didn't rock the boat."
I point at the page, "There's an annotation. See page two five two."
"It looks like..."
"It can't be..."
"Yes Baudelaires."

I scream as Ishmael walks into the house. There's a tattoo on his ankle. A very specific tattoo. The same one Olaf has on his ankle. Klaus snaps, "Why is our mother's handwriting in that book?"
Ishmael explains, "Your parents, Baudelaires, lived on this island."
"Who are you really?" Klaus asks. Ishmael sighs, "That's an interesting question. I used to be school principle. Yes, that was many years ago, at a school called Prufrock Prep."
Ishmael turns on the lights, "Like most schools, it was an underfunded institution. But every year, there were a few children with the same gleam in their eyes that you have. The Snickets, the Quagmires, Count Olaf, your parents. And when I met a child like that, I would recruit them into a secret organisation. My organisation."
"You started vfd," I gasp.
"When a fire breaks out, the official fire department is there to fight it," Ishmael says, "But figurative fires need fighting, too. And my students were interested in so many things. Literature, science, music, theater, animal behaviour, the culinary arts. And I thought, what if a group of curious, capable young people came together to stand against the injustice and ignorance of this world? We could make it a quieter, safer place. And for a time we did, and then, well... it all went up in smoke. You can try push back against the troubles of this world, but trouble is like the tide, and it always returns. When the schism broke out, I abandoned my creation and I sailed here to live in exile. Later on, your parents sailed here too, to raise a family. They built this house, wrote in that book, cooked delicious meals and they built the most incredible inventions. And then one day, they left. I tried to warn them. I said terrible things waited for them. Then, when I read about the fire, I knew those terrible things had come to pass. You have a decision to make. I failed your parents. I could not protect them, but I can protect their children. Drink the cordial, and think about it."
"What are you thinking?" Violet whispers as Ishmael leaves. Klaus whispers back, "I wish we had our parents here. What are you thinking, Xalia?"
"I'm thinking that I don't trust the cordial," I sigh, "Decision day is coming. I want to leave, but I'll stay if you think it's best."

The next morning, Ishmael declares decision day over just as we walk up to him. Klaus says, "Decision day isn't over."
"We've decided to leave," I sigh, "We also shouldn't drink the cordial. None of you should. We read about fermented beverages. They're an opiate."
"Ishmaels trying to control you!" Violet snaps. I look at her, as she says, "It makes your memories fuzzy, and is why none of you want to leave the island."
"Drink the cordial," Ishmael holds out a bottle. Friday yells about a castaway, and I stare at her. The Baudelaires take off running, and we stop just after a few paces. Then, Olaf's voice makes me jump. He says, "It is I, Kit Snicket, and as you can see I'm very pregnant."
"No you're not, you're Count Olaf," Friday says, "A child could see that."
"I'm a castaway?" Olaf sounds uncertain, like he didn't expect this, "and should be welcomed with gifts!"
Klaus pulls his spyglass out, and gasps, "It is Kit!"

I don't know who Kit is, but she seems like she must mean a lot. We all sprint to the pile of books, and I sit with. I hold her hand, and whisper, "Who is she?"
"Kit Snicket," Sunny babbles. Kit Snicket? Jacques Snicket's sister. He wanted to know if she was okay, and clearly she isn't right now. I couldn't help Jacques, but I can help Kit. Slowly, I sigh, "Is she noble?"
"Very," Violet says, "She is a Very Noble perso-"
"Sunny?" Kit makes me jump. I turn to her, and explain, "You became washed up on an island, but you'll be okay. My name is Xalia May Squalor, a friend of-"
"I know who you are," Kit forces a smile, "But we are all far from okay. I saw a diving helmet of a dangerous fungus was up. Do you see it?"
Violet gasps something, and begins sprinting. I turn to Olaf, and scream as a harpoon gun is shot through his stomach, into the helmet of Medusoid Mycellium. Kit whispers, "Xalia May, you need to know something. You and Violet. There's a reason you have the same birthday, and seem so similar."
She screams in pain, and I whisper, "I know what you mean, Kit. I've had a suspicion for a while, but kept doubting it. I don't look like Esme because I'm her daughter. I just need to know one thing. Why?"
"Your mother had her reason," Kit whispers.

Xalia Squalor; because sometimes being in is not enoughWhere stories live. Discover now