𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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As the night deepened, enveloping the world in its velvety embrace, Freen found herself gripped by a sudden pang of hunger. Her stomach growled in protest, a reminder of its empty state. Without a moment's hesitation, she snatched her car keys from the table, the metallic jingle echoing in the quietude of the night, and dashed out into the cool night air.

The engine roared to life as Freen ignited her car, its headlights piercing through the darkness like beacons guiding her way. With determination blazing in her eyes, she navigated the empty streets, the rhythmic hum of the engine serving as her only companion in the silent night.

As she neared the glowing neon sign of the nearby restaurant, a sense of anticipation welled up inside her. The promise of warm food and satisfying her hunger spurred her onward, driving her towards her destination with unwavering resolve. And in that moment, Freen knew that nothing would stand in the way of her quest for sustenance on this dark and hunger-filled night.

But, once she parked her car beside the road in front of the restaurant, Freen's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight before her. There, bathed in the soft glow of the streetlights, sat a familiar red sports car—the unmistakable vehicle of William. Her brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity as she tried to make sense of the unexpected coincidence.

Questions swirled in her mind like a whirlwind, each one vying for her attention. What was William doing here at this hour? Was it merely a coincidence or what? Is he meeting someone? The air crackled with uncertainty as Freen pondered her next move, her gaze lingering on the tantalizing mystery that lay before her.

With that, freen quickly walk towards the main door of the restaurant, and as she approached the grand entrance, her anticipation of the night's dining experience was palpable. Yet, something more important right now - why william is here. And with whom.

Lost in her thought, she failed to notice that there is one figure who swiftly rushing towards her from opposite direction. With an unexpected collision, her chest met another's with a jolt, causing her hand to instinctively reach out to steady herself on the stranger's shoulder.

Startled, her nose was smelling something so familiar. This scent. The same exact scents where she's crazy over the owner of the perfume. As she looked down tp met the gaze of the person, she had collide with, and at the moment too, her breath caught in her throat.

Standing before her was Rebecca, her heart skipping a beat as she recognized the familiar scent of her favorite perfume wafting through the air. Its rebecca's. God! Its rebecca! Time seemed to stand still as she took in the sight before her, her mind racing with disbelief and curiosity.

Their eyes locked for a fleeting moment, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. With a mixture of shock and intrigue, she couldn't help but wonder what twist of fate had brought them together in this unexpected encounter. Would she dare to speak, to unravel the mystery that lay before her? And what is this coincidence? William? And then? Rebecca?

"You really do have a knack for bumping into me don't you, Mrs. Chankimha." Freen mumbles, her voices was hoarse, and her sweet smiles showing makes rebecca focused on that gentle sweet face of hers. God, why her heart thumping this bad?

But, in that moment too, freen could see how rebecca's face was switching a little bit hard, her eyes seem gloomy and glassy with tears, and freen know something had happened to this little girl. "Hey," Freen's voice was a gentle breeze, cutting through the heavy silence.

MY REBECCA (18+) || FreenBecky (G!p) Where stories live. Discover now