Chapter 3

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"Everyone in Bella's class, to be exact, has become a little afraid of her."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

A small bead of sweat broke out at the tip of Smith's nose.

"Bella was kidnapped her freshman year of high school. Before she was kidnapped, she was a very quiet and introverted person, but since she was kidnapped, her personality has changed drastically and she has become very outgoing."

"Bella's classmates said that she had a very strange vibe, even her eating habits were different from before, like she was a different person.

Smith: "I found the news at the time Bella was abducted.

I saw a picture on Smith's cell phone of the kidnapper who was arrested at the time.

It was a very nasty looking woman.

But what scared me the most was that the woman in the photo was smiling.

And her smile had an expression that was very similar to Bella's smile that I had seen before.

Smith looked at me and said something that made me jump.

"Angela, do you think that was the real Bella when she came back?"

I shuddered at Smith's words.

I thought back to my years with Bella.

Bella has a tomboyish personality, but she has always taken care of me.

I remember a time in college when I got food poisoning, threw up, had vomit all over my shirt and pants, and was a mess.

It was Bella who took care of me all night long, wiping off the vomit bit by bit.

At that time I had only one thought, to be friends with Bella for life.

But then I suddenly realized that I didn't know anything about Bella's past.

She never told me about the fire and the kidnapping that happened at her high school. That's when my phone rang again.

I looked down and it was Bella's phone.

No, Bella from a week later to be exact.

I looked at Smith, "I'm going to the bathroom."

I quickly walked to the bathroom in my room and picked up the phone.

It was still Bella's voice on the other end, sobbing.

"Why did the phone cut off so quickly before, I have so much to say and it took me a long time to get through."

"Angela, I'm going to tell you something very important about Smith."

"After you died, I had someone look into Smith, and he actually has a twin brother."

"Smith's brother has been a very strange character since he was a child, still wetting his bed at the age of twelve, enjoying animal cruelty and often committing acts of violence against his classmates, which is typical of the potential of a murderer."

"When Smith was fourteen years old, his brother beat a classmate to the point of serious injury and lost a lot of money. The night before his brother was to go to juvenile hall, there was a fire in the house and Smith's brother died in the fire outright."

"Angela, I've been wondering why Smith is keeping this from us."

"Would you say that the man who died in the fire back then could have been the real Smith?"

My heart snapped.

Twins generally come to look extremely similar, so what if it wasn't Smith who survived that year, but his twin brother?

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