Chapter 4

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"Bella has an Achilles heel, she was once kidnapped in her freshman year of high school, an experience that left her with a deep shadow of a brief memory loss once."

"Coincidentally, there was a fire in her dorm room, and no one survived but her."

"It's a wound she's desperately trying to hide, she's afraid Angela will hate the dirty person she once was, but you can use that to make Angela suspect her."

"A lie laced with truth is always so much more true than a fiction."

I put Smith's cell phone back in its original position with a calm face, but my hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Ten o'clock at night.

The phone rings for Smith from the future.

And I pretended to be horrified and answered the phone.

"Bella, I don't want to run away, and now that I've found out who this scumbag really is, I'm going to put him in jail myself."

I said softly as I looked calmly at Bella.

"So I need you to cooperate with me."

Next moment.

The door let out a loud bang and fell to the ground with a crash.

Smith kicked in the door.


I put a knife to Bella's neck.

I'm very hard.

A light trail of blood appeared on Bella's neck.

She breathed in sharply.

I know Smith is very suspicious.

I had to convince him that Bella and I had turned against each other.

"Smith, what do we do with her? Call the police."

I said with a hoarse sob.

But I watched for Smith's reaction.

Sure enough, he didn't agree to call the police.

He's afraid of the police, afraid of them finding out who he really is.

"We can't call the police, we have no proof at this point that the current Bella is the kidnapper from back then."

"Angela, we have to get rid of her."

Bella was perfecting her excellent acting skills at that moment.

She screamed and yelled in anger, "Angela, you can't do this to me! Everything he said was a lie!"

"Shut up!"

I said viciously.

Smith seemed to be enjoying our reaction.

If I didn't know him well enough, I wouldn't have realized that there was a sick pleasure in his eyes right now.

He really enjoys watching us kill each other.

"Kill you? I wouldn't dare, killing is a crime!" I said trembling.

Smith walked over to me, took my hand with the knife and whispered in my ear, "Don't be afraid, killing is easy, just close your eyes and I'll do it, just a little stroke..."

He was so excited that his voice was shaking.

What a pervert.

I sneered inwardly.


Smith looked at me in disbelief.

Because the knife that was across Bella's neck was now aimed at his chest.

I looked at him with a grin.

"Killing seems to be pretty easy, just a little bit."

The sharp knife stabbed easily into his chest.

I saw fear on Smith's face for the first time.

He wanted to fight.

But Bella had a death grip on his arm. "Die, pervert!" She said fiercely.

Smith, on the thin side of the scale, could not free himself from Bella, a former weightlifter.

A hint of wolfishness showed on his face as he finally removed his disguise and looked at us sinisterly.

"When did you find out? It's impossible, I'm obviously very successful in my disguise, unless..." he stopped talking as if he realized something, and his whole body collapsed.

Smith is taken away by the police. His true identity is also revealed. Turns out his real name is Harris.

One week later.

Bella and I went to a hotel to celebrate the aftermath of the robbery.

"Bella, do you ever get the feeling that this hotel has a familiar feel to it?"

Bella frowned and nodded.

"True, I feel the same way, but it's obviously our first time here." I shrugged, "Never mind, let's eat first.

Maybe I'll never know, if I don't change my fate, that this hotel is the place where my funeral will be held in a week.

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