Chapter 9 Horrible parallel time and space

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Two years after my brother disappeared, I received a text message from him.

There was only one sentence in the text message:

Never go up that one staircase in your house.

My brother disappeared in a strange way two years ago.

Until tonight, when I received a text message from my brother who has been missing for two years:

Don't go up that one staircase in the house.

I was shocked and confused.

Because my house has always been a normal one-story house, not a jump house, and there are no stairs in the house.

I rushed to call my brother's number; I wanted to know where the hell he had been for the past two years.

If my brother is still alive, why don't you come home?

There were so many questions in my mind that I wanted to ask my brother, but there was never an answer on the other end of the line.

My brother disappeared after sending that text.

My parents were rarely home at night, and when I was growing up, they left my brother and me pretty much alone.

My father used to beat and scold my brother and me when we were young, and the worst I remember was when my father broke my brother's hand to protect me.

The boy endured the pain but stood in my way without saying a word.

After my brother disappeared, I went crazy trying to find out what happened to him.

The parents didn't care about the brother, they didn't even bother to report it to the police.

Just as I was about to walk out the door to the police station to show this text message to the police, I stopped dead in my tracks.

A staircase actually appeared in my living room.

This dark red staircase went straight down into the darkness and I couldn't see what was really up there.

At that moment, my cell phone vibrated like crazy, full of texts from my brother:

"Don't go up there!"

"Don't go up there!"

The stairs gave me an eerie feeling.

Every cell in my body was screaming that I couldn't go up there.

But just then I saw a doll rolling down the stairs.

The bear doll rolled right up to my feet, its dark eyes looking right at me.

My heartbeat quickened.

I'm very familiar with that doll.

It was a birthday present for my brother that I made by hand.

When my brother disappeared, so did the doll.

I shuddered and picked up the bear doll.

Suddenly I saw what seemed to be inside the doll's stomach.

I touched it with my hand.

It's a note:

Betty, help me. Hurry up the stairs. I'm stuck up there.

The handwriting on the note was very familiar to me.

It's my brother's handwriting.

But at the same time, my phone was vibrating like crazy.

深夜死亡电话&发生在我身上的真实恐怖故事Where stories live. Discover now