Hidden Pain

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I enter the pack house and head straight in my office I settle in my chair. There's a knock on my door. I tell the person to come in it's my gamma Julian ,he comes in.

"Good morning, Alpha Nick."

"Good morning, Julian."

I tell him to take a seat. Let's get into the details, Julian. He nods his head and begins to explain that there was an attack that took place early in the morning by the same rogues. Unfortunately, we were unable to catch them because they deceived us. Did you find any information on who might be leading them? I asked him in an inquisitive tone. No Alpha, he said and continued to talk but when we were looking for them in the forest, I heard someone say, "NIGHT RED HUNTERS." I've never heard of this name before I thought to myself. I turn on my laptop and began to go through the list which has all pack names mentioned on it, but I couldn't find it. As I was checking Julian interrupts me saying 2 days prior, they attacked on the MOON BOND PACK even they heard the same name. I stand up and began saying with furrowed eyebrows in a serious tone "We can't take these attacks lightly Julian." And we must increase the training session, we can't keep falling for their tactics. We need to be prepared for whatever is about to come. Yes Alpha, I agree with you. "We must protect our pack at all costs." I said with determination His phone rings he picks it up "yes, I'm coming." Saying that he ends the call, he stands up and looks at me and says "Alpha, I have understood everything what you have said, and we will train even more harder from now on, I must go now it's time for the training session to start I nod, and he leaves.

I'm alone in my office thinking. It's already been a month, and I still can't gather any information on who could be behind all this. I bang my fist on the table this can't continue I say staring down at my laptop I can't put my packs life at risk.

Just than My office door opens Nobody dares to enter my room without my consent I mumble. Then my eyes shift towards the door. Unless it none other than .... "Andrew." I looked at him with a surprised expression on my face.

A man in his 30's with dark hair and brown eyes with a sharp jawline dressed in marron full sleeve shirt with grey trousers begins to walk towards the table.

"Someone looks irritated." He smirks.

"Andrew! When did you get back from your vacation?" I say raising my eyebrows at him my eyes wide open in surprise.

He hugs me and then says after my beta called me for the tenth time to inform me that my pack was attacked again, I had to come back because "No matter what happens the pack always comes first." He sighs and seats on the chair.

Andrew was the one who thought me everything about being an Alpha. His words about always putting the pack before everything has always been stuck in my head.

I take my seat as well and we began to discuss the current attacks. "I can't believe we are still unable to trace anything." I say looking at him "He/ she doesn't want their identity to be disclosed at any cost." Andrew said but whoever is behind this knows who we our because nobody dares to mess with our packs. "That's true are packs are the most powerful one's." I reply. Andrew suddenly stops talking he looks lost in his thoughts.

"Andrew is everything alright?" I asked him in a concerned voice.

"Do you remember my aunts' stepson?" He's bottom lips tremble as he asks me.

"Yes, I do."

"Well, I have been tracking him down." He said lowering his eyes at the table.

"What? but wasn't he ......." I was taken aback at his sudden confession.

"No, He's still alive." He said confidently looking at me.

Andrew's aunt married the Alpha of moon bond pack he had a 6-year-old son from his previous mate. Andrew was very fond of him when Andrew's aunt and the alpha went on a mission, he was given to Andrew to look after. They never returned; nobody knows what happened to them the same day the son also went missing everyone tried there best to find him but were unsuccessful. Andrew was devastated and after some months a news circulated that he was dead although the body was not discovered Andrew has always blamed himself responsible for it. Andrew's father was the beta at that time, so he was made the new Alpha but after a few years he passed away he was diagnosed with a rare disease whose cure was unknown. Andrew refused to become the Alpha, but he was focused. He is an amazing Alpha to his pack, but he never wished for this life he always wanted to live a simple life with his mate and kids. But I guess life never goes the way how you plan it.

Andrew begins talking I' m still not sure but I have hope that his somewhere out there. He voices turns serious, but now let's focus on the more important matter the packs safety. I have a plan since tomorrow is my birthday there is a get – together I have already spread the word. I'm sure they will take this as an opportunity and attack. We need to catch them to get information out of their mouths he stands up.

"Andrew, do you know anything about the "NIGHT RED HIUNTERS?"

"I have heard it's a new pack, it's only causing trouble we need to stop whoever it is before things get out of control."

"I agree with him."

"Okay Nick, I expect to see you tomorrow."

He turns to leave "Andrew?" he stops and turns to look at me "Can I bring a plus- one?" He smirked "yes sure, I would love to meet your special person" he says before he leaves. I continue doing my Alpha duties and bury myself in work my eyes shift to the clock in my room.

"It's already 11. 00 pm? time flies". I said to myself.

Valerie should be asleep by now I thought to myself. I sent a message to Ophelia asking what Valerie is doing? she replied instantly that Valerie is fast asleep. I smile looking at the message just what I was assuming. I move out from the office and head back to the mansion when I reach, I first go into Valerie's room she is sleeping like a baby covered in a fluffy blanket.

"She is so adorable." My wolf said.

Her hand comes out of the blanket I gently take her soft hand in mine and place it back. I see some marks on her hand it was dark in the room I turned my phone torch on and began to examine her hand. I was shocked when I looked at her hand it was covered in bruises.

"Who could have done such a cruel thing to her?" I furrowed my eyebrows and said in an aggressive voice.

"I swear when I find out who it is, I'm going to shred the person into pieces mercilessly." My wolf growls.

Valerie wakes up at the sound and was about to fall from the bed when I caught her in my strong arms our eyes meet, I felt something that I never felt before I was trying to figure out what it is. she said with a confused look on her face "Nick what are you doing here?"

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