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General POV
Hannah stood in the middle of the circle formed as a result of the commotion around her. Her ears ringing, her palms sweating, her mind zoning out and her eyes fluttering shut as she fell to the ground with a thud.
As she slowly opened her eyes they were instantly hit with a bright white light while she struggled to focus her eyes on the objects around her.
She lifted her head up she fell back with a wince due to the sharp pain in the back of her head.
She tried recalling what happened to her previously but, her memory was foggy.
At that moment a boy that looked a few years older than her walked in.
He had long brown hair died blonde at the tips, deep green eyes and his handsome face wore a worried look as he hesitantly walked in.
“Hannah, sis you’re awake” he said on the sight of Hannah, as he ran up to her bed and pulled her for a hug.
“Mathew, is that you?” she said as she stared at him a little confused.
Before he could reply another boy barged in.
With each step he took his long dark hair swung in his face. As he stepped in, the worried look in his blue eyes instantly turned into relief as he caught sight of Hannah sitting up in the hospital bed.
“Hannah you’re ok. I’m so…. Mat what are you doing here?” he said as soon as he noticed Mat.
“I could ask you the same thing, Nate” he said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
“Hannah you remember me, right?” Nate said looking at her hopefully.
“I’m sorry, Nat... Nate…. whoever you are I don’t remember you” Hannah replied confused at the situation. Before she could think Mat asked Nate to step outside with him.
Nate agreed looking at him suspiciously as they both exited the room.
As they both stepped out Hannah could sense the tension between them and kept on reeling their conversation in her head when the doctor entered.

* * * * *

Mat drove them home a few days later after Hannah was discharged from the hospital. As they drove on she turned to him.
“Mat that boy that came in to see me when I woke um…. Nate who is he?”

At the mention of the word ‘Nate’ Mat stopped the car.
“Nate is no one important and you should just forget about him”.
Hannah went quiet but couldn’t help wonder who Nate was. She felt she must have known from somewhere.
Through out the journey, her mind wondered far and wide all her thoughts linked to Nate.
Who was he?
Where did she know him from?
and why did she feel connected to him?

The puzzle of Hannah: Hannah's journey unravel the mystery of her forgotten pastWhere stories live. Discover now