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"Welcome back bestie" she said with her arms around my neck.
I struggled to break free from her grip, as I sadly watched my ex- friends walk away.
I wanted to chase after them but Leah's grip was tight.
"What were those looser saying to you" she said after noticing me gazing after them.
"We could beat them up for ya" said Mia looking like a kid on a sugar rush.
"No...no..no... they didn't say anything to me I...I..." I said trying to come up with an excuse "I..... just bumped into them"
"just bumped into them" Leah asked suspiciously "and they didn't say anything to you"
"Yeah...they just ignored me" I replied.
Before they could ask more questions the bell rang and all headed to our different classes.
My first class was biology. I always loved biology class but the way everyone was staring at me and giving me judging looks, made me wish the ground would open up and swallow me whole. Even the biology teacher treated me differently.
That day we were to do a practical so we would be paired up for it. He called out all the pairs but, when her reached my name he said
"Hannah...I think you should just sit this one out. We don't want another lab fire"
"But, sir..." I protested "we are looking for microorganisms in water. I don't think that could start a fire"
"I thought that too the last time but, look were we are today. Leave the lab, now"
I picked up my bag and walked out with my head bowed in shame and embarrassment as the whole lab snickered and sneered at me.
I wandered down the halls and to my comfort zone the library. Stepping in the smell of old books relaxed me as I walked into the library.
The librarian looked up from her book and shouted at me
"if your here to cause trouble missy, you can walk out door before I call security"
a little taken by surprise but, I darted towards the shelves and to the mystery novels section.
I picked out a book and headed to the tables to sit down and read. After some minutes I looked up from my book to see Charlotte sitting at the other end of the table. She was so engrossed in her book that she didn't notice me.
I froze. I badly wanted to talk to her but at the same time didn't know what reaction to expect from her.
So I just sat there torn between two worlds.

The puzzle of Hannah: Hannah's journey unravel the mystery of her forgotten pastWhere stories live. Discover now