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I looked around and spotted the trashcan. I tossed the pie in the trash right before Mat entered.
"why does the kitchen smell funny. Where you cooking something" Mat said as soon as he entered the kitchen.
" I wasn't cooking anything" I said while standing in front of the trashcan.
"Ok...when mom and dad get back tell them I'm in my room" saying that he went upstairs.
I had to put talking to Mat on pause, but first i need to do the pile of dishes in the sink.
When I was done with the dishes I went upstairs to sulk in my room. I needed a new way, no, an even better way to find out what really happened. Since my family wasn't willing to talk, I would go to school to find out.
I stayed up all night planning Monday. On Monday, I wore a long trench coat (obviously branded because who doesn't like to show-off a little) , a hat and sunglasses, like some sort of detective.
When I got to school I was ready to start interrogating people but I paused. I didn't know who to ask. I pondered on and on and on but, there was no one. Feeling defeated I threw my hat in the trash, smashed my sunglasses and walked down the hall with my head down.
I had walked for about ten minutes when someone ran into me and I went crashing to the floor.
I looked up to find myself face to face with Lily. Lily was Leah's little sister. She was basically the gossip guru of the school. If I wanted to know what happened, I need to talk to her.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to..... Hannah, aren't you supposed to be in class"
"I am but I don't really feel like it" I said after letting out a sigh.
"You seem down. Do you wanna meet sometime to talk about it"
We picked Wednesday evening at a local diner and went out seperate ways.
Wednesday evening, I waited for her at the diner but she was no where to be found. I was a few minutes early so I waited for her.
I picked up my phone and started reading a book on Wattpad. I didn't notice when two people say at the table in front of me.
"Hi Hannah, sorry I'm late" said a voice in front of me said. I put down my phone and across from me was sitting Lily and next to her a strange yet familiar boy. He was staring at his phone the whole time.
"Hi Lily, no you aren't late I just arrived a little early" I said "who is he?" I said gesturing towards the boy.
"Oh, sorry that I didn't formally introduce you. This is my brother Nathaniel, you can call him Nate. He insisted on coming for 'protection' , sorry" She said pointing at him.
At that moment he looked up and I instantly recognized him. He was the boy who came to the hospital when I woke up. The boy my brother told me to avoid. He was Leah's brother and Leah never mentioned him. How strange.
Before I could think any more thoughts he began talking.
" Hannah is that you. So good to see you.... you remember me now, right"
He continued asking more questions. Overwhelmed I ran out of the diner.
At home, I opened my room door, threw my bag across the room and sat down on my bed feeling frustrated. I felt something under the mattress and pulled it out.
It was my diary. How could I forget about it. I had the answers to all my problems.
I opened the cover and-

The puzzle of Hannah: Hannah's journey unravel the mystery of her forgotten pastWhere stories live. Discover now