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When she looked up from her book.
For a split second we locked eyes before she continued reading like nothing had happened.
"Didn't she see me, or was there someone behind me" I thought, when she got up to leave. I walked after her. I bumped into and knocked down a lot of people but even though, I didn't give up.
The gap between us was closing up. I was getting closer and closer. I stretched out my hand to tap her shoulder when
"Hey there girl, where are you going?" a voice asked behind me.
That voice was all too familiar.
"Hi, Leah" I said trying not to sound annoyed by her presence.
I looked ahead of me but, Charlotte was out of my view.
" Did you just come out of the library"
"Yeah... what about it"
"That place is for nerds and you shouldn't go there anymore. Anyways....." and she began going on and on about some new prank she had been meaning to pull.
I barely payed attention to her. All I wanted to do was talk to Charlotte and find out what the problem was between us.
These thoughts were still running through my head when I heard my name over the loud speaker.
"Hannah you are wanted in the principal's office"
"Good luck girl" Leah said patting me on the back before I headed for the principal's office.
I walked in and he gestured for me to take the seat in front of him.
He let out a heavy sigh and started
"I know you are just recovering from an accident, that's why I hate to break these news but" he paused "if you don't keep your grades up you may have to repeat the tenth grade. Sorry"
for a brief moment I was speechless
"I understand" saying that I got up and left.
How could I repeat the tenth grade. I'm the class topper. Correction was the class topper.
On the drive home I was still thinking about my friends(ex- friends).
My head was full of thoughts and I needed to clear my head so I went for a walk.
I walked around absent mindedly and unknowingly reached the the spot in the park where me and my friends (ex- friends) used to meet.
I saw them sitting on a picnic blanket talking to each other. I noticed Charlotte wasn't with them and they were working on something together.
I don't know when I started staring but I stopped when they noticed me.
I walked up to them slowly and cautious of what they would say.
This time they didn't walk away but, got up and walked up to me.
"Why do you keep following us" Anna said.
Anna was basically the leader of the group. She always took charge in all group matters and headed every group activity.
" I'm not followin...."
"Look" she said sounding more serious than ever "When don't wanna talk to you after you betrayed us"
"How?" I said confused "what did I do"
"ohh, don't tell me you've forgotten how you-"

The puzzle of Hannah: Hannah's journey unravel the mystery of her forgotten pastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz