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They were getting closer and closer. I looked around and ducked behind a statue. I prayed as they walked down the corridor and stopped a few feet away from my hiding spot.
"Where's the girl" asked a voice. It was Nate's father.
"She felt dizzy so went to lie down in a guest room"
"I don't trust her. Go and check up on her"
I didn't have much time left. They were about to continue walking down the corridor when a butler came in and directed their attention away from the corridor.
Seizing the opportunity I snuck into the nearest room.
I was huge with a king sized bed. All the furniture, decor and tapestry were old but looked expensive. The room decor was made up of mostly grey decor with grey bedsheets on the bed and grey curtains shielding the room from the outside world. The floor were covered with a grey carpet and the room smelt like the pages of an old book.
It seemed as if every piece in the room had a story to tell.
I spotted a notebook on the table in the furthest corner of the room. It was carefully wrapped in grey wallpaper.
I opened it. On the first page written in cursive letters was "ROBERT PARKER". That was Nate's dad's name. That meant I was in Nate's dad's room. The notebook seemed like a diary of some sort. I lost interest in it and continued looking round the room.
After looking around for some time. I opened the door to leave the room. I noticed Mr. Robert walking down the corridor towards the room. I hid in the closet.
He entered the room too something out of the drawer and left the room. I waited for about twenty minutes to make sure the coast was clear and walked towards the door.
I slowly opened it and looked around the corridor. It was empty. I breathed a sigh of relief. I stepped outside and as soon as I did strong arms grabbed me, covered my face and not too long after I was unconscious.
I woke up in an strange room. In the room there was a bed which I felt was rather luxurious for a prisoner. There was a table and there was a chair in the middle of the room which I was tied to. I pulled and struggled to get out of the chair which didn't work. I struggled for hours tiring myself up and didn't know when I fell asleep.
I woke up to a gentle tapping on my face. I looked up to find myself face to face with Nate. I was no longer tied up and seizing the opportunity I grabbed him by the collar.
"Let me go. Now"
He chuckled. "Feisty one aren't you. Faking a headache to sneak into my dad's office right"
I remained silent.
"I feel like you don't know who you're dealing with" he said leaning his face towards mine "I'll let you go, only because I like you"
On saying that, I pushed him violently towards the wall. His back hit the wall he winced then he covered the pain up with
"The door is open"

I went back home feeling defeated. On the way back home I got a call. I picked up my phone to see that it was Mat.
"Did you find anything" he said as soon as I accepted the call.
"Nope. But they know we are onto them it isn't gonna work like this"
"We could try stalking him"
"Nate isn't really involved in the case, it's his dad. We need to find dirt on his dad but I can't do it since they're unto me can you do it?".

The puzzle of Hannah: Hannah's journey unravel the mystery of her forgotten pastWhere stories live. Discover now