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"ohh, don't tell me you've forgotten how you-"
"what is she doing here" said a voice in the middle our argument.
"Charlotte" Anna said redirecting her attention to her "you finally came to work on the project. Your over an hour late"
" do you know what I've been busy with. I had to-" and their bickering went on and on.
I really wanted to know what I did to make them angry but they were already preoccupied. I used the argument as an opportunity to flee from the scene.
Everything happening around me confused me. I needed to find out what was going on.
First I went to my number one reliable source of information my brother.
I noticed he always walked back home and never followed us in the car even though his school was close to mine. Ever since I got back from the hospital we grew distant. He stopped talking to me and avoided me around the house. I felt I could use this as the perfect opportunity to reconnect with him and find out what happened before.
It took me days to plan how to approach him, but at the end of the week everything was set.
On Friday I went grocery shopping. I picked out the ingredients to make dinner (all my brother's favorites). I also picked out items to make desert. I was gonna make a pie with grape jelly filling.
I checked out of the grocery store and went home to cook the meal before my brother got back home.
That day he went to a friend's place and wouldn't be back till eight in the evening.
I got into the kitchen and started work. I began boiling the chicken, while frying the vegetables for the salad in a pan.
Once everything was set, I jumped unto the couch in the living room and began to watch Netflix.
I was watching the second episode of my show when I began to smell burning rubber. Confused, I went around looking for the source of the smell when it hit me. I ran to the kitchen to see what I could savor but everything was burnt to a crisp.
The vegetables were so burnt that I couldn't separate them from the pan. I had to toss that in the trash.
I checked the chicken. It was too soft, I couldn't fry it or use it for anything else so it ended up in the trash too.
The pie was my only hope. Unsure about the recipe I went online and followed a step-by-step tutorial.
I rolled the dough, made the crust, made the filling and put it in the oven.
I waited outside the oven for the timer to go off. It was perfect. It looked amazing and smelt amazing. I cut out a slice of pie each for me and my brother.
Unable to resist the temptation I cut a tiny slice of pie out for myself.
I took a bite and spat it out. It tasted horrible.
I thought I baked it well. I went through the video again. All my measurements were accurate.
I took a look through all my ingredients and was shocked. I had used salt instead of sugar.
Just then, I heard the front door open.
"Mom, dad I'm home" Mat shouted from.the lounge.
I could hear his footsteps get closer and closer. He was about to enter the kitchen.
I looked around and.......

The puzzle of Hannah: Hannah's journey unravel the mystery of her forgotten pastWhere stories live. Discover now