A King's Burden: Keeping the Prophecy Hidden

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One evening, while organizing his study, King Aldric stumbled upon the ancient scroll containing the prophecy that foretold his and his queens' fate. Shocked and dismayed, Aldric read the words that spoke of their eventual demise in battle.

Despite his initial fear and sadness, Aldric made a difficult decision. He chose to keep the prophecy a secret from his queens, for he did not want to burden them with the knowledge of their impending fate. He knew that they loved him deeply, and he did not want to cause them unnecessary worry or sorrow.

Instead, Aldric resolved to cherish every moment he had with his wives, to show them how much he loved them in every word and gesture. He spent even more time with them, going on long walks, sharing heartfelt conversations, and showering them with affection.

The queens noticed a change in Aldric's demeanor, a newfound tenderness and devotion that touched their hearts. They felt even closer to him, sensing that he was holding something back but respecting his decision to keep it from them.

As the days passed, Aldric struggled with his secret, torn between his desire to protect his queens and his fear of the prophecy coming true. But he remained steadfast in his love for them, determined to cherish every moment they had together, no matter what the future held.

As the days turned into weeks, King Aldric's burden grew heavier. He found himself constantly haunted by the prophecy, unable to shake the fear of what the future might hold for him and his beloved queens. Despite his best efforts to stay strong, the weight of the secret he carried began to take its toll on him.

One evening, as he sat alone in his chambers, Aldric could no longer bear the weight of his secret. He knew that he could not keep the prophecy hidden from his queens any longer, for they deserved to know the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

Gathering his courage, Aldric called for his queens to join him. As they gathered around him, their faces filled with concern, Aldric took a deep breath and told them of the prophecy that foretold their deaths in battle.

The queens were shocked and saddened by the news, but they took comfort in the love and strength they found in each other. They vowed to face the future together, united in their love for each other and for their kingdom.

Despite the grim prophecy hanging over them, King Aldric and his queens resolved to live each day to the fullest, cherishing the time they had together and facing whatever challenges came their way with courage and unity.

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