Demon king returns with the help of two souls

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As the battle raged on, the forces of good prevailed, and Malakar and Lysandra found themselves facing defeat. With their undead army destroyed and their powers waning, they were powerless to stop their inevitable fate.

As the dust settled, a dark portal appeared before them, and from its depths emerged shadowy figures, their hands outstretched to claim Malakar and Lysandra. With a final cry of defiance, the two dark rulers were dragged down into the depths of the portal, disappearing from sight.

The portal closed behind them, sealing their fate. Malakar and Lysandra were condemned to an eternity in hell, their souls bound to suffer for all eternity for their sins and crimes against the living.

The people of Veridoria watched in awe as the portal vanished, knowing that they were safe once more from the darkness that had threatened to consume them. The sacrifices made by so many had not been in vain, and the kingdom would live on in peace and prosperity thanks to their bravery and courage.

As the sun rose over Veridoria, its light shining bright once more, the people rejoiced, knowing that their kingdom was safe from the dark forces that had sought to destroy it. And though the scars of battle would remain, they would serve as a reminder of the strength and unity of Veridoria, a kingdom that had faced darkness and emerged victorious.

As the people of Veridoria celebrated their hard-won victory, a dark shadow loomed on the horizon. Unbeknownst to them, a greater threat was stirring in the depths of the underworld. Dedissoz, the demon king, watched from the shadows, his eyes burning with malice and hunger for revenge.

Dedissoz had long been banished from the mortal realm, his power sealed away by ancient magic. But now, with the defeat of Malakar and Lysandra, the seals that bound him were weakening, and he saw an opportunity to break free and unleash his wrath upon the world once more.

In the depths of his dark realm, Dedissoz gathered his minions, twisted and malevolent creatures from the darkest corners of the underworld. He plotted and schemed, his mind filled with visions of destruction and chaos.

As the days passed, whispers of Dedissoz's return began to spread, causing unease and fear among the people of Veridoria. They knew that their victory against Malakar and Lysandra was only the beginning, and that a far greater threat loomed on the horizon.

Meanwhile, in the royal palace, Queen Monica and her councilors received reports of strange occurrences and sightings of demonic creatures in the borderlands. They knew that Dedissoz's return was imminent, and that they would need to prepare for the coming storm.

With a heavy heart, Queen Monica called upon her allies and the heroes of Veridoria to stand ready. The true battle for the fate of their kingdom was about to begin, and they would need all the strength and courage they could muster to face the demon king and his legions of darkness.

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