Chapter 27

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I arrived at my village after a day of long journey it was so tiring. I go inside the village everything was same as before when I come here last time. 

I saw some old face and greeted them.

"Raunak child what are you doing here after so long?" An old women asked me. I remembered her she was my neighbour when I was child. 

"There was no place for me there so I come here" I lied to her. I am not ready to reveal them about my marriage and my life so far.

"I know my child. I always knew there was no place for you there. Now you have come here we will happily live here. God may give you all the happiness in the world." She said giving me blessing and pinching my cheek between her old fragile fingers like I was a small child.

I walk along with her to her home and bid her goodbye. After walking for a little while I reached at my Maasi's house. Seeing her home after so long bought so many good memories back. They were some of the few days I spent with happiness enjoying childhood bliss filled with my mother's love and Maasi's care ness. They both loved me so much but soon when Baba knew about me he took me with him leaving my mother heartbroken and after few years I heard the news of her death. I cried and even tried to run away from the palace to see my mother for the last time but they won't let me.

That day I felt like I lost something like a piece of my existence, my hopes has departed with her. Like the last person who understood me, loved me selflessly leave me. After meeting Rana sa that void had started to fill but that wasn't meant for me. That was Manavi's destiny not mine. She was the one who was to be married to him. 

She must have told him about me and now he would hate me. Just thinking about him made my heart clench with sadness. I knocked on the door and waited patiently for it to open. 

A old woman opened the door scanning my face intently. Suddenly a smile broke on her wrinkled face.

'Raunak, my child how have you been?" She asked my clearly pulling me inside her home. Although it was a small hut but it has homey feeling to it. Last time when I saw her I was a kid she was very young and beautiful always smiling, she had a son who was younger than me and her husband was also a nice person. They have accepted me and Maa in their house with open hands. Never make us feel small. They were one of the sweetest person I knew. 

"I ran away from the palace" I told her looking at her face nervously.

"I was waiting for the day you would do that you should have leave them a long time ago. You took so much time to make a right decision" She told me smiling.

"Yeah that time I did not have the courage to ran away and now I did not had the courage to stay. Nothing much has changed in me, I am always the same old poor-spirited Raunak" I said to her with  a sign.

"No you are not. You are the most considerate child a mother could ask for" I said patting me.

"Ok Maasi enough about tell me about you how have you been? Where is Mausa and that naughty Kishan where is he? He must be doing something mischevious till now. How he is now? Did he married?" I bombarded her with my questions at which she laughed.

We talk till late evening. Kishan has go for harvesting crops in the field and he did not married but was set to be married this year. Mausa died two years ago due to illness. I asked her about Maa's last days how was she doing after my departure, she answered me politely.

At evening Kishan come back from the fields with cattles.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my home?" He asked me politely. I laughed at him at which he looked at me confusingly.

"You forget me? I am hurt how can you?" I said to him acting like a hurt person

"Don't joke around with me I don't know who you are! Stop right here Let me ask maa if she knows you?" He said 

"Kishna you are such an idiot. I thought we were best friends and here you are. I am standing in front of you and you are saying that you don't remember me" I said to him angrily 

"Raunak, you!" He asked surprised like he can not believe I am standing in front of him.

"I thought I will never get to see you again. It is so ovewhelming to see you again after so many years. I lost all hopes that we will meet again or get to see each other again. I am so happy to see you" He said hugging me tightly.

"Enough you drama queen! Let's go inside Dinner is ready Maasi is waiting for us" I told me.

He washed his feet and hands after giving fodder to his cattles he came inside home and greeted Maasi before taking his seat on the floor.

I sat with them. We all chatted till very late at night. I told them about my life in palace excluding my marriage part as I was trying to forgot about it. I think in few years Rana sa will forgot about me but I don't think I will ever be able to forgot him.

Hi guys!! Thank you for the love and support you all are showing towards Raunak. I am so grateful to you all. 

What do you guys think about our story? Is what Raunak doing is good for everyone? 

Stay healthy and shower Raunak with your love

I love you all 

Bye Bye!!

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