Chapter 4

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So there is a sex scene in this chapter and you are the one with a little secret when it comes to that, either way if you don't like reading that kind of stuff just don't read it.

I wasn't nervous when I was standing in front of the altar, I had a feeling that she will come no matter what. I wasn't nervous when I saw her wearing that beautiful dress. I wasn't nervous when I said "I do" and when she said it too, I wasn't nervous when I gave her the ring and she gave it to me too, I wasn't nervous when we had to kiss because even though she tried to kiss me for real I just gave her a little peck on her lips. She looked mad though but she brought it on by herself.

I wasn't nervous on the plane to Hawaii, but I was nervous when we came to the hotel and she was yelling at me for no good reason. And I am nervous now as we are standing inside our room but her yelling doesn't seem to cool off.

"And you're sleeping on the couch," she yells suddenly, well that's what you get when you stop listening to the words she is yelling at you somewhere in the middle.

"I paid for this so there's no way I am sleeping on the couch." I say as I jump on the bed next to her, I turn the lights off next to me and we lay in a complete silence for a couple of minutes.

"You and your freaking money, is that really all you care about?" It's never about money when it comes to me and it pisses me off when she says something like this, "fuck you." I spat at her angrily, we are married for eight hours and we already said so many bad things to eachother.

"That's your job," she shots back and I turn her around roughly so she is laying on her back and pull myself on top of her, I grab her by her wrists and pin her hands above her head. "Don't push it Jauregui," I say quietly my voice breaking a little when I see the tracks of tears on her face that the moon illuminated perfectly.

"What will happen if I do? Are you going to take me without my permission?" I hear her say quietly and in a second her wrists are free, I find myself falling of the bed and stumbling towards the door.

"I was joking," she says when the realization finally hits her, but I am too furious to even care.

"Why am I even trying, don't wait for me," I say as I stumble towards the hotel door, I can hear her saying something and I can hear her coming closer but I close the door in front of her nose and leave.

When I come back at 4 am, feeling a bit tipsy I find her sleeping on the couch. Without even questioning it I pick her up and carry her to the bed, I should be mad but who am I to yell at her, I don't even know her. I pull the blanket over her and she starts moving.

"Sleep here," she whispers in her sleep probably, she wouldn't say that if she was in her right mind. I shake my head as I turn around on my heels and walk away, "I want you to stay." She says and I can hear her voice breaking, with a deep sigh I walk to the other side and lay down next to her.

It doesn't take long for me to hear it, she is silently crying. "Stop, don't you fucking cry on me now Jauregui." I tell her but I don't know what to do anymore, her previous statements are making me nervous, I would gladly take her in my arms and caress her back while telling her that everything is going to be alright, but I can't do that now.

I can feel her shaking next to me, still crying the only difference is that she is crying a bit louder this time. "Fuck it," I say as I roll over so that I am laying behind her, her back pressed to my front as I pull her towards me. My hand falls over her stomach as my other one slides under her head, I push my head in her hair, we are both still wearing our wedding dresses.

"You looked beautfiul today," I whisper quietly in her ear and she stills for a second before she sighs deeply. "I hate to admit it but you looked handsome," I can feel her body relaxing slowly, she is still not recovered from everything that happened but we are getting somewhere slowly.

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