Chapter 12

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I'm looking at her like someone who got caught and she is looking at me like she is waiting for me to lie, like she knows that I am about to lie, "no," I stutter out quietly. "Liar," she shots back in no time, something from the desk flying towards me again.

I jump from the bed towards her, I grab her wrists and throw her on the bed, I am on top of her immediately, she is fighting back, kicking me, calling me names as I am waiting for her to calm down. After some time when she comes to her senses I let go of her hands just to be punched again, "seriously?" I ask her when I push her hands on the bed again.

"We are going to make some dinner and then we are going to talk about it like adults that we are, I mean I am, I am not so sure about you though. Don't assume anything until you know the story, even though I don't have to explain this to you I am going to, so stop acting like a child. Stop kicking me. Stop punching me. Stop yelling at me." I free her wrists but she slaps my shoulder again.

"This is for holding me down, it hurt." She says as she exits the door and I follow her into the kitchen. She wanted pasta with tuna so we made it together, I mean I made it, she made the salad. She was acting weird all the way through it, God forbid if I touched her, she screamed like she saw a freaking ghost.

We sit down at the table, our eyes dancing around the room not meeting once. "So," I start the conversation, I can see her playing with her food like she is all of the sudden not hungry anymore. "So?" Her eyebrows raise in confusion.

"The story I've told you before was true, but Clare didn't leave because I cheated. We were still together six months afterwards, the thing is that, she got pregnant and I..." I can't finish my sentence because she has to throw words in my mouth.

"... wasn't ready?" I shake my head immediately and her eyes are wide open now, her ears listening carefully.

"I've always dreamt about a perfect family with 4 kids, it was like my dreams were coming true you know? I wanted to keep the baby I really did, I wanted to raise him or her but she just left, without a freaking warning. I haven't heard from her since then. And today, today I saw this message on my computer and I had to, I had to answer." I don't know if she believes me or not, but I really hope that she does.

"I saw that, it's barely a personal email Y/N, you're writing too profesional to your ex, she is just a human, a mother of your child." Her hand reaches towards mine and lands on it gently, I can feel her thumb slowly caressing me.

"I know Lauren, but she is not getting under my skin again. I want to see my daughter but if what she is saying is true I don't want to have anything with her or my family ever again." I feel a gentle squeeze on my hand, her fingers find a was between mine and I squeeze them as gently as I can.

"You really believe that your father made her do that?"

"I am not sure, that's why I am going to see her soon and you're going to be there too." We intertwine our fingers both of us sighing happily, I can feel her eyes on me.

"Whatever you want, if it makes you happy I'll go there with you." I nod without thinking, I don't need to think this through anymore, I am giving us a chance and that means that I have to trust her.

"Can we cuddle now? I really need to process all this, but I don't want to do it on my own," she admits and I give her a little half smile as I stand up, walk to her side, pick her up bridal style gently and carry her inside the room. "It smells like sex," she giggles at the thought and I can't stop the smile forming on my lips too.

"I have never been this active before," she mutters as I lay her down on the sheets. "I think we're staying in bed tomorrow, my legs hurt," she carries on quietly.

Unexpected lovers [Lauren/You]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora