Chapter 35

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A/N: Holy moly macaroni, more than 40k reads, you guys are awesome. I was re-reading your comments the other day and I was like, cmon' Moni you have to write another chapter now! And so I did, it's nothing special but here it is.

Guys seriously, I laugh like a little monkey when I read the comments, you're the best :)

Thank you for voting/commenting/reading :) Have a lovely night/day :)


I wake up with a body pressed on me, her hair is all over my face and I smile at the position we are stuck in. I kiss her all over her beautiful face but she still doesn't seem to wake up. I do my best to move away from her slowly and just when I was about to go inside the bathroom I hear the angel's voice, "no, come back and love me."

I forgot how sexy her raspy morning voice was, I can feel goosebumps all over my hand even though she said nothing special. "I can't Lo, I have to go to work today. It's been a week since all I seem to do is hold you and love you." She giggles into the pillow and rubs her eyes sweetly like she always does, "I'm not complaining."

"My dad is. He loves you honestly, he loves us, but I know he is annoyed when the work isn't finished." I try to be smart with her but she shots me a look that says, really baby? That's all you have?

"But I love you here, at home, with us." She pouts sweetly and I send her the biggest smile I can provide right now in this early morning, "it's 5 am baby, are you serious?" She mutters when her head turns towards the night stand. I giggle at her sweetly before I move towards the bathroom leaving the door open so we can talk.

"You know if I wasn't so tired, I would join you. Is this the new level of our relationship? Leaving the bathroom door open?" I hear her say tiredly, she will be asleep in a minute when I'll leave the house today.

"You can call it whatever you want, I just like to hear your voice that's all." I say and not a second after that I hear loud noises, "you better not be naked nasties! Your baby wanted his moms so... anyway, I'm walking inside the room in five seconds. One, two ..." Dinah counts and I can hear Lauren running towards the bathroom, stumbling over some things before she reaches the bathroom door and slams it as Dinah walks inside our bedroom.

"Laur, dress yourself up woman! What's wrong with you running around in your panties. Leo I'm covering your eyes for your own good," she says and I snort from inside the bathroom.

"Oh, did I interrupt the morning sex in the shower Ralph?" I can't even with her, she is too much sometimes.

"If you must know," Lauren starts and I listen to the conversation closely, "I'm tired. And she woke me up while she was climbing away from me to go to work."

"You have work today? Why? I thought you two had plans?" Dinah yells as she opens the door of the bathroom. "What the fuck Dj?" I yell as I see her waving her hand all over the shower glass, "nothing new to see anyway. I have that too you know? I'm a girl. I mean I have boobs, not the other thing that's hanging of your body. I just wanted to tell you that we need to talk about something."

"Geez thank you, can you get out now?"

"Nah, I wanna watch," she whispers quietly.

"Dinah get out! That's my wife not yours. And Y/N baby? Why aren't you kicking her out?" Lauren yells as she comes to the door of the bathroom.

"Does it look like I can? I'm naked damn it, how can I kick her out naked? Both of you leave now!"

"You know girls, if you ever want a threesome, I am open for new ideas," Dinah shots smirking my way, I know what she is doing, she wants to make Lauren jealous and from the looks of it, she is succeeding.

Unexpected lovers [Lauren/You]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें