Chapter 36

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I was calmly reading the papers, my mind was focused on the new client we got, his vocals, his story, but something keep interrupting my thoughts. When I look up I see her sitting there on the chair opposite of me, her finger inside her mouth as she is doing this weird loud noises, "Dinah? Can you stop?" I ask and her eyes meet mine, she gives me a little smile and a nod.

Not a minute later when I am re-reading the previous part, her leg starts jumping up and down nervously, making my head spin. "Seriously?" I groan and her hand falls on her thigh.

Maybe I should re-read this contract later, when I'll be alone in this room. I open my fathers drawer to put the documents back inside, but just before I do it, my eyes land on something. There is a folder with Clare's name on it. I pull it out and place it in front of me gently. I look at Dinah nervously and her eyebrows furrow in confusion when I show her the name of the folder. Just as she is about to say something Alex storms into the room, "where is the fire?" He shots.

"In my belly," Dinah screams back, surprised, shocked and frightened of the man who just barged into the office. I give her a look that says, seriously? And she shrugs her shoulders as she looks at the floor nervously.

"In your belly? Dinah? What's going on? What are you doing here? Are you hurt?" Alex stop with all of this questions and let the girl talk. Alex sees the struggle she is going through and sits down next to her. His hand slowly reaching towards hers, I can see the worry in his eyes, he really cares about this woman, there is no doubt about it. Alex's eyebrows are furrowed together, his leg is jumping up and down, just like Dinah's was a few seconds ago, he is sweating already, his hands are shaking nervously as he is sitting on the chair, waiting patiently. He looks up for a split second to give me a look that says, what on earth is going on? I sigh deeply as I look at him.

"Dinah, I would gladly tell him, but I think that's something you have to do," I say and Alex starts panicking right in that moment.

"Are you leaving me?" Dinah slaps his head gently and mutters a no.

"Do you need a break then?" Another slap and a no afterwards.

"What is it then? Our fish died?" I give them a weird look but they don't seem to notice. No, Dinah mumbles quietly and Alex runs his fingers through his hair looking slightly worried.

"Our dog ate our hamster?" He shots out with a shaky voice.

"We don't have a dog and especially not a hamster." She says calmly as she seems to come back to her senses, she turns around to face him and that's when he loses it. He starts crying like a baby, "fuck. How could you? You're cheating on me aren't you?" Well, he deserves that slap that he got.

"Y/N? Help me out, I'm losing my freaking senses right here?" He says quietly and Dinah shakes her head. "Just shut up Alex. For a one freaking second shut up. This is hard for me too if you haven't noticed it. Let me talk ok?" I find myself nodding along with Alex, that's how scared I am now that she is yelling.

"I'm pregnant," there she goes, she said it.

"With who? Y/N if you ..." I raise my eyebrows at him and Dinah slaps him over his head again.

"Alex!" She yells, "are you freaking serious. We're getting a baby, the only thing that's going through my mind is, how are you going to accept the fact that you might be a dad ..." she wants to carry on but he interrupts her. "...excuse me? Might be a dad? What is that supposed to mean?"

"I don't know if I am ready to keep it." She whispers quietly and Alex seems to snap out of his own little world when he hears it, the look on his face lets me know that she broke him a little by saying that.

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