Chapter 33

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I've been working late again it's almost midnight already, my mind's been full of thoughts, Lauren went home for a few days, just to spend some time with her family and she took Leo with her too. She wanted me to come along but I think that right now she is in need of a little family time, grandpa must be surprised but happy to see her too. I know I should be there for her and believe me when I say it I am. But this 4 days have only made me realize how much I love her and how bad I miss my brother.

We live right? Right in this moment we are living. I am breathing the same air as you are. I am walking the same land as you are. You're my sister and I am your handsome brother, I'll always keep an eye on you my sunshine. So stop, stop with this nonsense. Stop thinkig about the death. Right in this moment we are alive and kicking.

Don't spend your time with thinking of what if, do it, set your heart free and live your life. If you want to jump off of the cliff do it. If you want to go sky diving, go. If you want to fall in love and meet the right girl, stop searching, she'll come when you'll last expect it. Do the crazy things and when we'll be old and without hair, when our hearts will be tired from all this adventures we will look back on life not regretting a thing. Promise me sis, promise me that everyday you'll jump so high that one day you'll finally touch the sky.

His words are the only reason why I am still alive, nobody really knows this but there was a dark place in my life, I had so many doubts back there inside that black hole, I thought that I was a failure, everyday I woke up with the thought of going back to sleep dancing in my mind. The hardest thing in the morning was getting out of the bed. I was sick of life but scared of death. Nobody should go through this things. I was fighting myself, my own thoughts were telling me that I was not good enough everyday. Sometimes it all came to the point when jumping off the bridge was the only thing stuck in my mind.

I am better now, my brother knew how to make it all better and now Lauren is here to replace him. Sometimes I wonder if he was the one who pushed her towards me.

Wifey ❤: *attached photo of Leo and grandpa* we all miss you baby, are you sure you don't want to come?

Y/N: Awww soo cute :$ I am pretty sure that I want to be there for you and with you my queen but you need a little time with them Lo. Have fun baby girl I am not going anywhere.

Wifey ❤: It's half past midnight why are you still awake baby?⌚

Y/N: I am actually working.

Wifey ❤: Again? Babe come on. Go home and take a nap... a really big one.

Y/N: I'm not tired Lo. Work is the only thing that helps me. My mind is focused on the documents I am re-reading.

Wifey ❤: What's up babe? And don't lie to me please

Y/N: It's nothing Lo, I'll get over it don't worry.

Wifey ❤: Don't do this. Talk to me

Y/N: I don't know Laur. I miss your grandma and I miss, I miss my brother too.

Wifey ❤: You know she was obsessed with you, Y/N this, Y/N that, don't ever let her go Lauren, she is an angel with a shotgun, she will always fight for your love. I am pretty sure that your brother is so proud of you baby.

Y/N: She was an angel indeed. Not me. She was. You know there are days when I am losing my faith, my brother was great, too good for this nasty world, maybe that's why he had to leave that young.

Wifey ❤: Baby should I be worried about this?

Y/N: No. Like I've told you before, I'll be fine.

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