Chapter 12--> Awake

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Dustin's POV
I was beyond pissed when she flipped me and drug me out the door. I was her alpha and mate and yet she was locking me out of my own guest room! I was just about to smash back in there until I heard a small chuckle.

"Dude, she's stubborn. You have to give her some space. And I told you she would be pissed if you didn't tell her." Jace said as I let out a low growl. I brought my fist and smashed it into the wall, letting out all of my anger.

"I was only doing it to protect her." I whispered and leaned my head against the wall.

"She a big girl you know, and she hates being treated like a delicate flower. I think we both know that she is sooo NOT delicate." He said smirking. I sighed in defeat.

"Why don't you get some rest. We've all had an eventful day." Have said patting my back and walking away.

Maybe he was right. I should've told her. Ugh, I need sleep. I can sort this out tomorrow.


Paige's POV
I grumbled as my dreamless sleep ended as sun protruded through my eyelids. I opened and squinted my eyes as the sun brightly shoved itself through my window.

'Damn! That is a horrible place to put a window!' My wolf yelled as she grumbled for more sleep as well. I tossed and turned, but there was no use in getting away from the light.

I sighed an gave up, slowly slipping myself out of bed and into the bathroom. I did my daily routine and slipped on some black sweats and a grey tank top. Suddenly a knock sounded at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled from the bathroom as I swiped on a little mascara. Kate burst into the room with Jenna and both were breathing hard. I looked completely confused until Kate finally spoke up.

"He's awake." She said as my eyes widened. That was all it took until we all booked it to the pack doctor. I burst into the room my brother was in and saw him sitting upright in the bed, flipping from channel to channel.

"Ethan!" I screamed as I lunged on top of him, hugging him as tight as I could, as if he would disappear in seconds.

"Can't... Breathe..." He choked out as I realized I was hugging him around his neck.

"Oops, sorry bro." I said happily as he chuckled. Kate came over and pecked his lips as he smiled lovingly at her. It was kinda awkward for me and Jenna as we just whistled and twiddled our thumbs.

"How are you feeling?" I blurted out, making the awkward silence disappear. Ethan laughed and smiled at me as I smiled back.

"I feel great actually. The doc said I was healing fine and that I would able to get out later today." He said happily as Kate sat on the chair next to the bed.

"Lu-I mean Paige!" Troy yelled as he burst through the door panting. I was wondering why everyone is in such a rush today?

"Ya?" I said as he looked at everyone then back at me.

"Alpha Dustin needs to talk to you. Pack business." He said as I heaved a big sigh. Pack business my ass. I rolled my eyes and walked out with Troy to Dustin's office.

I finally got there as me and Troy said our goodbyes as I stared at the huge wooden door. I almost just wanted to run and hide in my soft comfy bed, but I knew I had to face this sooner or later. I shakily placed my hand on the nob as the door suddenly flung open.

I expected to see Dustin until an older face greeted me at the door. I jumped back as the man had mixed expressions all over his face. It looked as if he was what... Happy... Relieved? I was suddenly brought into a hug with the stranger as I tensed up. I looked over the man's shoulder to see Dustin smiling. What the heck.

I pushed out of the man's embrace and walked over to Dustin and gave him a good and hard punch to the shoulder.

"Ouch! What the heck was that for?!" He yelled as I smirked. The man also smiled at my actions. Hmmm, me and him are gonna get along just fine.

"That was for not telling me yesterday." I said calmly as he nodded his head understanding that what he did was wrong. I brought my fist up again and punched in the same spot.

"Ouch! And what was that one for?!" He said rubbing his probably bruised shoulder.

"That one was just for fun." I said smiling innocently. He mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't even make out with my heightened hearing. Just then, the man cleared his throat as Dustin remembered something.

"Oh, right! Paige this is Benjamin Lock... Umm, he's your umm... How do I put this.. He's your uhh-" he was suddenly cut short as Benjamin spoke up.

"Paige... I'm your father." He said.

-Hey everyone! So sorry that I didn't update sooner and sorry the chapter is a little short. I had a horrible writers block and couldn't decide what to put in this. So I am so sorry to not have updated and also I am sorry that I left you all on this cliffhanger, but I promise that I will have another chapter up TODAY so you guys aren't dying in suspense.

Anyways, that's all, MH out! PEACE!

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