Chapter 19--> The Parents

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Paige's POV
I sat on the couch as I covered my eyes in fear, squeezing the dear life out of Jenna as she did the same to me. The and the other guys, Thomas, Leo, and Dustin, laughed as me and Jen screamed.

Let me backtrack for ya'll. The guys thought it would be really funny to have a scary movie marathon and told us that we would be chickens if we didn't watch it with them. It will be fun, they said. It's not like it's real or anything, they said. Ya, well here we are, sitting in front of the TV, screaming our brains out as the girl gets chopped up into a million pieces just cause she decided to open the door to a deranged serial killer.

"Calm down girls... Look, it's over now. You can stop screaming." Thomas said as me and Jenna opened our eyes. I scream once again as Dustin stands in front of us.

"Oh my god! It's so ugly and horrid!" I scream. He holds his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt. Jen falls in the floor laughing as I join her as well as the guys.

"Awe c'mon guys! You are so mean Paige!" He says, fake crying. Our laughs stop as the doorbell rings throughout the house. Everyone looks as if they were to shit bricks as we all turn towards the doorway. Did I mention that it is like 10:00 at night and it's pitch black out there and pouring rain.

"Who would be here at this hour?" I ask in a wavering voice. Dustin and Leo look at each other and shrug there shoulders, trying to hide the fact that they were scared as well. I could see through their little act though.

"Don't just stand there! Go open it you scary wolf!" I say as Dustin shakes his head at me. He walks over to the door as I dumbly follow behind. He places his hand in the doorknob as shivers run down my spine. He flings the door open as we scream.

We both stop as an umbrella smacks Dustin on top the head. I hold in my laughs as a middle-aged woman stands in the rain. She welcomes herself in as she hangs her wet coat. I stood there confused as Dustin rubs his head.

"What was that for!" He yells as the small bump on his head heals slowly. She lady shakes the water droplets out of the umbrella and hangs it as well, turning towards us.

"Now is that anyway to treat your mother." She said as she placed her hands on her hips.


Rebecca, aka Dustin's mother, sat on the couch as she sipped her hot tea that I made earlier. She sighed and licked her lips as smiled, proud of myself.

I didn't realize how much Dustin looks like his mother. They both have the same eyes as well as some facial features.

"This tea is delicious Paige! I must know your secret to the sweet aftertaste." She said as I smiled at her. She was one awesome gal! Rebecca was on a 2 month trip to France and had just gotten back. She was there to meet some old friends and that's the reason I hadn't seen her before.

"I just sprinkle in a little cinnamon and sugar." I say happily as she nods. Dustin smiled at us until Rebecca whips her head towards him and gives him a death glare that trumps all death glares.

"Dustin Lee Mattews! Why haven't you called me in the past few weeks! Last time I called you, you had some important search to find some lost fugitive pack member!" She said angrily as I knew she was talking about me. I turned my gaze towards Dustin and crossed my arms unhappily, tapping my foot.

"Fugitive huh?" I say as his eyes widen. He looks like a deer caught in headlights as I glare at him, nothing compared to Rebecca's of course.

"That was you?! But your nowhere near dangerous or hostile!" Rebecca says as Dustin's eyes look like they are about to pop out of his head. Oh, he is so not getting out of this one!

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