Chapter 16--> Hey Baby!

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Paige's POV
"Oh my god Jen, that is like your 10th piece of pizza!" I said shocked. She has been eating so much lately. It's like she is a bear going into hibernation.

"But I'm soooooo hungry!" She moaned as she finished the last bit of the pizza. She gasped as she realized there was no more and eyed my plate.

"Jenna, don't even think about touching my food!" I said in a low and fierce voice. She glared at the piece and then at me. Right before she could grasp it, I snatched it away and ate it in one gulp.

"Noooooo!" She cried out as she collapsed on her knees. I laughed at her and sat back down in the chair. She plopped on the chair next to me as I chuckled.

"Jeez Jen, you acting like your pregnant or something." I said laughing as she laughed as well until her face became rigid. What the hell?!

"Jen... Jen are you ok." I asked as she sat still as her eyes widened. I suddenly realized the situation as my eyes widened as well.

"I'm late." She said in an almost inaudible voice. My jaw almost dropped to the floor.

"How the hell are you preg-" I was cut off as her hand slammed on my mouth.

"Shut up! We don't know that yet!" She said in a yell/whisper. I calmed down a little then gave her a stern look.

"What am I suppose to think Jen?! When did you to even have... Ya know..." She face-palmed and grabbed my hand, dragging my towards her bedroom. She locked the door behind her as she let out a breath of air she was holding in.

"This room is soundproof so no one will here is." She said in a regular voice. I mentally thanked Dustin for making all rooms soundproof.

"When did 'it' happen?" I said, making air quotes around the word it. She lowers her head down and twiddled with her thumbs.

"When I was marked." She said slowly as I face-palmed.

"Jenna, that was a month ago! No wonder your late and are having and eating frenzy!" I said pinching the bridge of my nose. She kept her eyes down as a few tears slipped from them.

"Awe Jen, I'm sorry... It ok, I am gonna be an auntie!" I said happily as she smiled and wiped away the tears.

"What is Leo gonna think?! Will he reject me?! Will he hate our kids?! Oh god Paige, I'm only 18!" She started hyperventilating. I slapped her across the face as she yelped.

"Don't you dare think that even for a second, Leo would not love his own kids and not love you as well. I have a feeling that this is going to be perfect for you two and don't worry about your age." I said sternly. She gave me a small nod as I brought her into a hug.

"I can make a secret doctors appointment with my own pack doctor and not Dustin's. That way, no one will know but us." I said as she nodded. I smiled as grabbed out my phone to make an appointment.


"Alright dear, now this will be a little cold." Abigail, my pack doctor, said as she started to rub some gooey stuff on Jenna's stomach. I held her hand tight as squeezed harder. The screen popped up as Abigail smiled.

"Congratulations Jenna. You are pregnant." She said as Jenna tried to hide her excitement. The only thing that Jenna was worried about was Leo, but I calmed her down enough with my reasoning. I looked back up at the screen and noticed something in the corner.

"Umm doc, what's that?" I said, pointing to the weirdly shaped object. She doctor looked surprised at first until her smile got even wider.

"Well I'll be darned. Congrats again. You are going to have twins!" Abigail said in a cheery voice as Jenna kinda smiled and then fainted.


Jenna's POV
I blacked out after the doc said I was having twins. I thought one baby was gonna be hard, but two? Why do you hate me moon goddess!

I felt something soft under me as I slowly opened my eyes again.

"Huh? Where am I?" I questioned as Paige's face came into view. She smiled and helped me sit up as I realized I was in my room.

"Well, I brought you back here after you fainted you dummy." She said as she lightly punched my shoulder. I chuckled as I placed my hands on my stomach.

"Twins?" I whispered as Paige smiled even wider.

"What's gonna be there names!" Paige said happily as I was still in shock.

"How the hell am I suppose to know?" I said as I rubbed my stomach. My babies are in here... Leo's babies are in here.

"How am I gonna tell him?" I asked as Paige put on her thinking face. She flung a finger in the air as she got out her phone and texted some people. Her phone buzzed back a few times as she smiled.

"Tonight, you are going to have a candle light picnic in a meadow and that's when you are going to hide some of the ultrasound pics in his sandwich. Since your a month along, he will see that babies and scream and cheer and you two will live happily ever after!" Paige said as I gaped at her. How the hell did she get all that set up with a few texts? I am underestimating phones.


I sat on the red checkered blanket as Leo sat down with me.

"Hey babe? What's this all about?" He asked curiously as I smiled, extremely nervous. The night was perfect and not windy at all. The full moon gave most of the light except a few light candles here and there.

"Just cause I love you." I said as I set out his sandwich and mine. I waited until he grabbed his and started to take a bite until he froze. He peeled two black ultrasound pics out of his sandwich and looked at them curiously. He finally got what they meant and froze, slowly turning his head up to me.

I nodded as he kept looking from my stomach to the pictures. He jumped up screaming and grabbed me as well, smashing his lips onto mine.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" He said screaming in pure joy. Tears of joy flew out of my eyes as we kissed again as he went down to my stomach.

"Hey little guys... Or girls... Or girl and guy. It's your daddy speaking! I love you two so much!" He said as he talked into my stomach. I smiled and kissed his forehead as we laid down in the blanket and fell into a sweet and perfect sleep.

-Swup all my fans! How did you like the chappie?! OMG Jenna is prego! Lol, bet ya didn't see that one coming.

Anywaz, that's all folks! Stay beautiful!


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