Possessed - Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I woke up after getting just a few hours of broken sleep. My head throbbed, and I wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep my troubles away, but I had to go to work.

“Hi,” Dante said, looking down at me with weary eyes. “You alright?”

I sat up so we were at the same level. “I’m fine.” At least he was still here. “Sorry about last night.”

“What really happened, Devon?”

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. “Nothing. I guess I was just over tired, and my imagination was running wild.”

“Devon,” he snapped. “What happened?”

I sighed sharply. “I saw someone in the mirror. My reflection only it wasn’t me, the girl had short dark hair. Don’t even tell me I’m dreaming this all up because you asked.”

He rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes. “Devon, ghosts, really?”

“I don’t have any other explanation. There is no other explanation. Please believe me, Dante.”

Gulping, he got out of bed and pulled a T-shirt on. “Let’s talk about this over breakfast. I need caffeine if we’re having this conversation.”

I hopped out of bed, eager to speak to him and hopefully make him see that I was right. I needed him on my side. He opened his bedroom door, and I saw his body tense up.

“What?” I asked. My heart hammered in my chest. What’s out there? “Dante, what is it?”

He shook his head in disbelief. “Post-it notes,” he replied. “Hundreds of them.”

“You what?” I said, walking over to the door. Looking out into the living room, I gasped. The whole wall was covered in hundreds of yellow post-it notes. Every one of them said the same one word Mine. “Oh my God.”

“Mine. Who?” Dante shook his head again and rubbed his jaw hard.

“Spencer. She’s talking about Spencer. I think everything is linked to him.”

“Who is she?”

“Katherine. The woman that lived here before us.”

“What the fuck are we going to do now? I don’t even…”

“I don’t even either. I have no idea what she wants.”

“Have you asked Spencer?” I shook my head. “Why not?”

“How would I? What could I say to him?” I walked into the living room, and my blood froze in my veins. There was something in the room. An atmosphere that made my heart race and my stomach turn. “What do you want?” I called out, acting braver that I felt. Dante stepped in line with me protectively. “Tell me what you want.”

The light bulb above us smashed with a loud bang. Tiny shards of glass scattered off in every direction. I screamed out and dropped to the floor with Dante’s weight weighing me down as he sheltered my body with his own.

I started to shake. “Dante!” Shoving him off me I moved to check him over, making sure he hadn’t been cut.

“I’m okay. Shh it’s alright, Girl.” I collapsed against his chest and sobbed. However awkward the conversation would get I had to speak to Spencer. This couldn’t carry on. “Cut him off,” Dante whispered in my ear.

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