Possessed - Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

“Get up, Girl,” Dante bellowed through my door, making me jump in surprise. I groaned andpressed my face into my pillow. Broken sleep was the worst. Why did I spend all night checking the flat like a crazy again? If we had permanently noisy neighbours, then living here  as going to be a nightmare. “Devon!”

“I’m up,” I yelled back. Why did he care so much if I was up or not anyway? I groaned louder and rolled over. Today was going to be hell. I needed at least eight hours sleep to feel human, and I had barely had five.

I pushed myself up and out of bed, and rubbed my eyes, as if that was going to help me wake up at all. Yawning, I swung open my bedroom door and stumbled towards caffeine. I glanced down and, of course, the pencil was gone. “You’re hilarious with the pencil thing by the way,” I said to Dante sarcastically, and sat on the stool.

He frowned deeply, his skin crinkling. “What?”

Rolling my eyes, I pulled the coffee pot closer, smelling the rich aroma. I really, really needed caffeine, especially after last night. “It’s not funny anymore, okay.”

“What’s not funny? You were the one freaking over it.”

I sighed heavily and grabbed a mug from the mug tree. “Let’s just forget about it, it's stupid.” I could see why he would use that to wind me up, things like that did creep me out, but it wasn’t funny. “What are we doing today?”

“We need to shop. I’m hungry. You still want to get new work clothes or are you all done?”

Was it possible to ever be done with buying clothes? Could there ever be enough? No. “I want to get a few more skirts.”

“Slut,” he muttered under his breath, and chuckled. Oh, as if I was going to turn up to work in a mini skirt. I wasn’t working for a strip club! “I want a stripy scarf, those look cool.”

“Sounds perfect for July.”

He gave me a flat look. “We’re in England, Devon, it’ll rain next week.” All right, he had a point there. Summer clothes were only needed for about three weeks in England.

I smirked. “You’re such a girl.”

“I care about my appearance, and I shave my balls, what’s wrong with that?”

I froze. Did he just say that? I used to think I knew everything about Dante. Well after that, I probably didn’t want to know everything! “You shave your…” Shaking my head, I shuddered at the thought. “Let’s move on.”

“It makes it look bigger,” Dante added, and smiled proudly.

I stood up and started to walk back to my room, holding my hands up. “I’m not doing this.” Sometimes living with a man was worse than with a woman. I drained my black coffee, wincing every time I took a sip. Coffee without milk was disgusting but I needed a big caffeine hit and black was preferable to injecting it straight into my veins.

I flung open the wardrobe and flicked through my dresses. It was hot out already so I chose a knee length dress and changed. My eyes stung where I’d had such little sleep and all I wanted to do was to curl up in bed and sleep all day. There were still a few things I needed to do before I started work though, unfortunately. Once I was dressed, I looked in the mirror and sighed. My hair was a complete mess and I had dark circles under my eyes. I decided to embrace the bird nest on the top of my head. Closing my eyes, I sprayed hair spray all over my hair and messed it up with my fingers.

“Devon, let’s go. I’m buying breakfast.”

“Be five minutes.” The promise of food made me do my make-up in seconds. I had only put a little mascara on when I threw the bag down. Sod it, I thought, as my stomach growled. We were only doing a bit of shopping so there was no need on getting all dressed up.

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