Possessed - Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


He, the stranger, kept swimming around my head. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Every time his face entered my mind, my heart soared. It was so irrational; I didn’t even know his name for goodness sake! Sighing into my wine, I vowed to forget him. However, I probably wouldn’t be able to.

Dante served dinner so I set the table. It was easy to see why people mistook us for a couple but there was absolutely nothing romantic between us at all. “My parents are coming for dinner on Monday,” I told him, remembering my conversation with Mum.

“Can’t wait for that,” he muttered sarcastically. We sat down and tucked into the food. “You more relaxed now?”

I nodded. “Yep. Much more.”

“Good. Nothing’s wrong or going on. Is it.” I smiled half-heartedly, and Dante sighed. “Has anything else happened?”


“No more pencils doing a disappearing act?”


“And is it possible that Nosy downstairs genuinely forgot she was baking?”

“Well… Yes. I guess it is.”

“Exactly. There’s perfectly good explanations for it all.” Okay, but how does that explain how I felt with Sexy Stranger? That wasn’t normal. Wow, perhaps I really was tired and his good looks caught me off guard!

“Yeah, you’re right. I think I need a couple early nights.”

He nodded. “We’ll stay home this week and head out Friday night?”

“Okay,” I agreed.

Dante and I spent the rest of the evening in front of the TV, just relaxing. At ten, I went to bed to get an early night. I fell asleep and slept peacefully all night. No loud noises woke me up. Everything was normal.

In the morning, I got straight up without pressing the snooze and skipped to the bathroom. It was my first day of work, and I was excited. There was very little conversation as we got ready and ate breakfast around each other. Dante smiled nervously as I locked the door.

“You ready?” he asked.

“Yeah. You?”

“I think so. I’m looking forward to seeing the hotties in accounts.” I rolled my eyes. Of course he was. He was a typical man, nerves disappearing at the thought of seeing women in skirts!

We rode the underground and got off at my stop and Dante’s change. “Good luck today,” I said, and kissed his cheek.

“You too. I’ll see you tonight.” I nodded and we went our separate ways. I only had a five-minute walk from the station but Dante had to change lines and get another train.

My stomach fluttered with nerves as I headed up the concrete stairs. Blinking at the sudden brightness, I power walked to the exit and into the hectic bustle of central London. Chic magazine’s office was in a shared building with Solicitors, Literary agents, Modelling agencies, Financial advisors and Insurance brokers. It was intimidatingly professional, and I was about to be a part of it all.

Chic’s office was on the second floor so I took the stairs rather than the lift. There was already a heavy queue, and walking would be good exercise. No one was at the reception desk out in the hallway yet, so I walked through the square archway and followed the corridor to the office I shared with two others. I could only remember Bree, the other girl’s name had slipped my mind.

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