Possessed - Chapter One

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Chapter One

The overweight taxi driver pulled up outside our very first, proper flat, and I sighed in contentment. We had made it. University was over and next week my best friend, Dante, and I would be starting our first post-graduate jobs. We were now officially 'grown ups'.

"You ready, Girl?" Dante asked, already getting out of the traditional black taxi before I had chance to answer, taking with him his hand luggage size suitcase packed with the important things. Things he didn't want to risk the movers losing. I was a little more trusting than he was, but then he grew up in a rough part of East London. Now though, we were both officially living in a nice area in South London.

"Thank you," I said to the driver, handing him the fare.

Dante opened the front communal door and I ran to catch up with him. The house had been renovated just over ten years ago and converted into four flats - ours was on the second floor, two flights of stairs up. The loft flat above was unoccupied and being refurbished, or so the nosy old lady on the ground floor informed us while we were viewing.

"Oh, hello, dears," Mrs Bainman said, leaning against the doorframe. I had a feeling we were going to stumble across her every time we came home.

"Hello," we replied in unison.

"Moving day, I see."

Dante nodded, pushing the handle of his case down and picking it up. "Yeah, so we should get going."

"Bye, Mrs Bainman," I replied politely. Dante didn't have much time for small talk, especially with people that only wanted to 'stick their nose in everyone's damn business'.

I frowned at him and slapped his arm. "You didn't have to be so rude!"

"You don't always have to be so polite," he countered.

"Shut up, Dante!"

He grinned. "That's better. You gonna open the door or stand there looking at it?" We had walked up the two flights of stairs and were at our freshly painted white door. A gold colour 'Three' was stuck to the font of the door in some fancy calligraphy, the actual word and not just the number.

I took a breath and smiled as I reached for my phone to take a picture. "Oh, come on, Devon!"

"This is a pretty big deal and I want to capture it." I took a quick snap of our door that I was about to open for the first time. "I'm done now," I promised him.

Unlocking the door and pushing it open, I walked inside. Every wall was painted in a light stone colour, except the living room, which had a green tone to it too. I loved it, thankfully, because as it was a rented flat we weren't allowed to re-decorate.

Dante walked ahead and put his suitcase down on the marble kitchen island. "How long do you think the van will be?" I asked, almost to myself as I looked out of the bay window behind the small dining table. Our view was of other townhouses but because we were so high up I could see pretty far.

"They said twelve, so probably another two hours." It was now ten minutes past eleven. Dante also had no faith in most services. Everyone was out to get your money and when they did they couldn't care less about customer service, apparently.

"Well, that'll give you time to run out and get the alcohol for tonight then," I replied smugly.

"You wanna get shit faced?"

"I prefer to call it a house warming drink...or ten."

Dante laughed and kissed my cheek. "Okay." He got as far as the front door before turning back. "You just want me gone so you can claim the biggest bedroom."

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