Possessed - Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

“What?” he whispered. I could feel the tension and dread dripping off of him. “You don’t remember?”

I shook my head and whispered, “You slept with Zara.”

“No,” he snapped, jumping up and yanking his jeans on. He looked furious; I’d never seen him like that before. “No. Fucking no. This isn’t happening. Shit.” I sat back and watched him pace his bedroom with a face like thunder. I didn’t like it, but I couldn’t blame him. I was angry too, just much quieter.

“Spencer,” I whispered.

“No,” he growled. “I shouldn’t have gone back to yours yesterday. None of this would have happened if I’d just gone home.”

My eyes pricked with tears. I didn’t want him to leave, as much as I didn’t want to need him, I did. “Don’t say that.”

“Are you kidding me? I thought it was you, Devon! I slept with an insane ghost that stalks me and possesses your body. Fuck!” He ran his hands through his hair roughly. “This has gone too far. She’s gone too far.”

“She has,” I said in agreement.

He frowned. “Why’re you so calm?”

“What can we do to change it?” They’d had sex and there was no way we could reverse last night. It terrified me that she could just take over and no one knew the difference. “I’m angry too, but Zara isn’t here. I don’t know what to do with my anger.”

His chest expanded in a deep breath. “What are we supposed to do now?”

“Get her out of me.” He didn’t mean about her, he meant about us, but I didn’t want to face that just yet. “What else can we do?”

“That’s it? We’re not talking about last night?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know what to say.” Unfortunately there wasn’t a book for how to discuss your boyfriend sleeping with his ex stalker that had taken over your body. I wish there was because I was so out of my depth and I could tell Spencer was too.

“I need a shower.” He shook his head and stormed out of his bedroom, muttering expletives under his breath.

I dressed quickly in a bid to find Dante as soon as I could. I wasn’t sure how I should feel. There was no way I could be mad at Spencer, he thought it was me, but I still felt betrayed almost. I was so angry at the whole situation and just wanted things to go back to normal.

Dante spun around as I entered the living room and Spencer slammed the bathroom door. “What the hell happened? Are you okay?”

His arms wound around me and I burst into tears, clinging to him. “What did he do?” Dante growled into my ear and picked me up. He sat down on the sofa and kept me on his lap, knowing I needed him. “Tell me.”

I pulled my head away from his chest and bit my lip. “Last night...” Dante nodded, telling me to continue. “Spencer. He... He slept with who he thought was me.”

Dante’s face fell. “What in the...?”

“I know. It was Zara, Dante. He slept with Zara.”

“Well,” he said, shaking his head. “Fuck me, Girl, this is so...” He shook his head again.

“What am I supposed to do now?”

“What do you want to do? We can take off if you want? I’m sure we can find a hotel or we can stay with my nan.” I shrugged. I had no idea what I wanted to do. “For what it’s worth, I think we should stay here. This is all about him, and in his defence he thought it was you.”

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